
SHOMH July 12, 2021 Minutes

Town of South Hero
South Hero Meeting House – Preserve & Revitalize Project

Date: Monday, July 12,2021
Steering Committee on Zoom

Call to Order: 4:00 PM by David Carter – Chair

Attendees: David Carter-Selectboard, Emily Klofft-NRPC, Beth Curtis-Granny’s Attic, Linda Seavey, Mary Harwood – Town Consultant, Sarah Kjelleren, Pamela Suprenant, Carol Tremble, Sandy Gregg-Planning Commission

Absent: Terry Robinson – Bicentennial Museum
Michael Carroll
Nate Hayward

1. Contract for “Pre-Build Stage” with Arnold & Scangus – This contract will be presented to the Selectboard at tonight’s SB meeting.

2. VCDP Grant Status Update – Emily Klofft reported we still have not gotten a signed contract from DCVP. She will be getting help from her NRPC colleagues to get this contract signed by the next SB meeting July 26th.

3. Old Business:
A. Website: is up!
B. Donations are live on the website!
C. Little Green Light (LGL) is also live to capture Donor information.

4. New Business:
A. Posters & Handouts: Sarah K, Mary H., Linda S., and Sandy G. will see to creating a visually engaging poster (thank you to Sarah for a great start!) along with rack card sized handout with further details including web address, contact info, mailing address, current stage of the project etc.
Sizes, # to print etc. will be determined by this group. A show of hands fully supported this expenditure for PR purposes to generate excitement & support. Sarah K. shared some visual enticements.

B. Islander Article: David C. has contact info for Islander writer and will get in touch with him when we have a signed VCDP contract.

C. Front Porch Forum: posts should start happening soon. Beth C. and Sandy G. will start the ball rolling just to get folks excited that IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!

5. Next Meeting: Monday, August 9th at 4:00 PM at Town Office with a Zoom option.

8. Adjourned 4:34 PM

Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Gregg, Scribe