
September 4, 2019 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                           September 4, 2019



Members Present: D. Patterson (Chair); S. Gregg (Vice-Chair); D. Roy; B. Kerr; M. Gammal.

Public Present: Tim Maxham; Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA.


7:00 PM – D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Input

There was none, at the moment.


MPG – 2020 Update

The new estimate for a feasibility study for wastewater and municipal water for the entire town increased from the original $50,000 to $70,000 range given to the Town in May to $200,000 to $250,000 now. There was discussion wondering if the amount was so high because engineering firms are so busy right now and are quoting themselves out of contention. The PC agreed to stay with the original estimate of $70,000 for a study of the full scope rather than reducing the scope to the 2 villages or municipal water for the entire town and municipal wastewater for the village only. They would like to know how far $70.000 will go. There was additional discussion on other water districts within the Town (Allen Point, Shadowland, etc.).


Review of Development Regulations – Any additional edits?

The Commission members reviewed the maps of the proposed boundries of the 2 new Village Zoning Districts. There was discussion about whether these districts should extend to the lake, should the South Hero village district include the Lavin property, how far down South St. should the district extend? The members decided to present the maps with the South Hero village district extending from the lake south to Folsom, and to include the Lavin parcel, and let the public comment on them at the Oct. 2 hearing.   B. Kerr questioned whether the wetlands area of the Lavin property should be included in the Conservation District even though wetlands cannot be developed.

There were some additional minor edits to the Development Regulations draft.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Gregg move to approve the minutes from August 21, 2019; B. Kerr second. All in favor.


New/Old Business

Three was none.



Administrator’s Report

  1. The Planning Commission’s public hearing for the updated Development Regulations is scheduled for Wednesday, October 2nd at 7PM, to be held at the Worthen Library. Taylor Newton of NRPC will present the new additions and changes to the document. Planning Commission Chair Doug Patterson will give an outline of the Commission’s schedule of work over the past 3 years as an introduction to the presentation.
  2. There will be no meeting on September 18.


8:48 PM – S. Gregg moved to adjourn; B. Kerr second. All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: ________________________________________ Date: _____________________

For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial unless approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.