
September 20, 2017 Planning Commission draft Minutes



Members Present: D. Patterson; S. Gregg; B. Kerr [Absent: D. Roy; R. Henry]

Public Present: T. Maxham (DRB); J. Brightwell (DRB Alternate); N. Hayward (DRB); L. Kilcoyne (DRB); R. Krebs (DRB Alternate)


7:01 – D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Continue Discussion with DRB and Selectboard re. the Development Regulations draft

The subject of discussion centered entirely on proposed Article 4 – Subdivision and Boundary Adjustment Review.

  • The Boards agreed that application submissions to the ZA should include digital copies.
  • Corrections to Table 4.1 (Subdivision Application Requirements) included limiting the submission requirements for Boundary Adjustments since this is done under Administrative Review with the ZA and not by the DRB.
  • Under Supporting Information/Documentation, the Boards requested that this new heading be separate from Table 4.1 with items bulleted to prevent confusion about whether they are a strict requirement for submissions.  Bob Krebs suggested a footnote at the bottom of the page with VSA requirements for Plat Law.
  • The ZA will have the authorization to review and recommend DRB approval for any Minor subdivisions through Administrative Review if s/he feel comfortable with it, rather than requiring the DRB to review all subdivisions.  An Administrative Review would require only one hearing and the Board could approve it (should they choose) on the same night.  This would greatly reduce the amount of time for the approval of a subdivision and would streamline the process for the Applicant.  The DRB, however, will always review any Major subdivision applications.
  • The Boards agreed to use the term ‘parcel’ rather than ‘lot’ throughout the document.
  • There was discussion on recommended requirements for Fire Protection Facilities and Emergency Access for new subdivisions. The Boards agreed that there should be no requirement in the Regulations for fire hydrants, dry hydrants, or ponds. Bob Krebs will re-write this paragraph (Sec. 408.G.3 under Subdivision Development Standards).
  • Additional discussion regarded whether utility corridors should be allowed within Town rights-of-way. This warrants further discussion.
  • Sandy Gregg agreed to research what legal documentation the DRB can require when reviewing a subdivision application –  i.e. community wastewater and water supply systems; community facilities; parking areas; private roads and rights-of-way; open space; etc.


The Boards will continue the discussion, starting with Article 5 – General Regulations, on October 4 at the next Planning Commission regular meeting.


Review of Minutes

  1. Gregg moved to accept the minutes from the September 6, 2017 Planning Commission meeting; B. Kerr second.  All in favor.


Public Input

There was none.


New/Old Business

There was none.


Administrator’s Report

  1. NRPC is sponsoring a ZA’s Roundtable on October 10, 2017 in St. Albans.  In addition to zoning administrators, local Planning Commission and DRB members are also invited.
  2. The Grand Isle Planning Commission has invited members of South Hero’s DRB and Planning Commission to their meeting on October 3, 2017.  Their guests will be Rep. Johnson, Rep. Joseph, and Sen. Mazza.  Discussion will include Act 250 9L and Act 64 Stormwater.
  3. The Interim Bylaw will be published in the Islander’s September 26 issue.
  4. The schedule for upcoming hearings for October is full with 2 hearings on October 11 and 1 on October 25.  Martha will be out of town the week of October 23 – 27.


9:19 – S. Gregg moved to adjourn; B. Kerr second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


Signed: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________

 For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.