
September 16, 2024 OSHMH Minutes

Town of South Hero
Old White Meeting House Committee
Build Sub-Committee
Town of South Hero
PO Box 175
South Hero, VT 05486-0175

9/16/24 Organizational Meeting Notes

The next meeting will be posted and follow the Open Meeting Law: Agenda posted
at least 3 days ahead at; Town Office, Town website, Post Office & Worthen Library.
Minutes will be posted on Town website within 5 days of the meeting.

Location: Town Office Meeting Room
Attending: Michael Carroll, Russ Stratton, Mike Welch, Sandy Gregg-Scribe
Absent: Doug Patterson, Carl Frenning
Public: None
Called to order at 1:30 PM by Michael C.
Review of 75% Architectural Plans as prepared by Arnold & Scangas-Architects- Rebecca Arnold.
This is the set submitted to the National Park Service (NPS) by Jenna Lapachinski-Preservation Trust
Vermont (PTVT) who is the contact between Town of South Hero & NPS regarding the Bruhn Grant
($100,000). We expect to hear from the NPS with the results of their review within the next month. If
any revisions are required we will schedule how long that will impact the project schedule. Note:
Rebecca A. has been in constant contact with Jeena L and the 75% plans should be OK to go to
Any changes must go to the NPS for approval! That will add time to the project schedule. Michael C.
stated his support of the Architect and their historic preservation experience. Historic Preservation is
a different animal with considerable rules.
Task for this group is to thoroughly review the plans and make a recommendation to approve to
the Meeting House Committee who will then notify the Selectboard (SB).
Review timeframe: by next meeting. The full plans are with Naomi in the Town Office so call her and
arrange to view the plans in person, or, if you have super-vision and can view them on your computer
that might work, too.
4. Questions raised:
Clerk of the Works: will there be such a person hired?
Skepticism about any attempt to build a stone wall below ground level as it will result in moisture
issues. Go with the stone veneer solution as speced.
5. Next Meeting: Wednesday, Sept 25, 2024 at 10:00 AM at the Town Office (confirmed).

Submitted by,
Sandy Gregg – Volunteer Scribe
Home Contact: Phone- 802-372-4565 or email- [email protected]