
May 17, 2017 PC Draft Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION DRAFT MINUTES                                           May 17, 2017


Members Present: D. Patterson, Co-Chair; S. Gregg; D. Roy; R. Henry.

Public Present: Greta Brunswick, NRPC; Taylor Newton, NRPC; Bridget Kerr; Tim Maxham; Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


7:00 – D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Continue Discussion with NRPC – Articles 1-4 and Definitions: Development Regulations Updates

The Board discussed revisions to Articles 1-4 and the General Definitions (Article 10) presented by NRPC.  Because he was going to be unable to attend the meeting, G. Delano had already given the Commission members his comments on the proposed language to review.

The Table of Contents and organization of the Regulations varies from the current format. Article 1 is still Enactment, Intent, Amendment, and Effective Date; Article 2 remains Zoning Districts and District Regulations.  Article 3, previously titled Permit Review Procedures, is now titled Development Review, reflecting the change from the old Planning Commission and ZBA review procedures to the new Development Review Board procedures.  Article 4 replaces the current General Regulations with Subdivision and Boundary Adjustment Review.

The Summary of Municipal Permits and Approvals table shown at the beginning of the Regulations reflects the addition of Setback Waiver Approval [*Note: to be changed to Dimensional Requirement Waivers Approval], and new language clarifying requirements for Certificates of Occupancy.  A new table, How to Get a Zoning Permit: At A Glance, has also been added.

The Commission agreed to remove any references to deferred lots from the Regulations, and to refer to Boundary Line Adjustments rather than boundary lot adjustments.  The mean lake level will be identified as 95.5 feet, and the lake setback will remain at 75 feet rather than increasing it to 100 feet.  Seasonal dwellings will not be allowed in the Village and Conservation Districts.

There was discussion about the requirements for a wastewater permit for a Certificate of Occupancy since not all lots need them.  Also discussed was the necessity for a sketch plan review for a minor subdivision as part of subdivision review before the DRB.  In the case of a minor subdivision in which there are no new roads proposed, the Zoning Administrator will conduct an Administrative Review and present that to the DRB with a recommendation for approval.  This will simplify and shorten the process for the simpler 2 or 3-lot subdivisions.

In subdivision review, the requirement for the Fire Department to require an Applicant to install either a fire hydrant, dry hydrant, or pond for fire protection needs further discussion with the FD to determine how, and if, they want to do this.

In Article 10, all references to families have been changed to household unit.  The definition for road has been clarified to include serving 4 or more lots, uses, or dwelling units.  The definition of setback will be changed to dimensional requirement, allowing the inclusion of height restrictions or allowances.

The Planning Commission and NRPC will discuss Articles 5 (General Regulations) and Article 6 (Development Standards) at their June 7 meeting.  Article 6 will include the proposed Village District Form and Design Standards.  On June 21, the Commission will complete its review of Articles 7 (Specific Uses and Structures), 8 (Administration and Enforcement), and 9 (Hazard Area Regulations).

The Commission and NRPC discussed the schedule for the upcoming public hearings and will meet with the Selectboard at a special 5th Monday meeting on July 31.

Taylor Newton asked the Commission to consider Enhanced Energy Planning after the work on the Development Regulations is complete.  NRPC has funding to assist towns with energy planning as an amendment to their Town Plans.  This added language will allow ‘substantial deference’ by the Public Service Board when reviewing renewable energy proposals in South Hero.  The Commission agreed to recommend this to the Selectboard at the July 31 meeting.



  1. Gregg moved to approve the minutes from the May 3, 2017 meeting; D. Roy second. All in favor.


Public Input

Bridget Kerr expressed concern about a proposed senior housing project that would have access from South St. rather than US RT 2.  She was told that the proper forum for her concerns would be during the review process with the Development Review Board since the Planning Commission no longer has review responsibilities.


New/Old Business

There was none.


Administrator’s Report

  1. Martha read a letter from Sandra O’Flaherty regarding the parking configuration at the new Park and Ride facility. It was also decided to add a trash containing at the facility.
  2. Letters of Interest for a 3-year term on the Planning Commission are due by June 12.


9:45 – S. Gregg moved to adjourn; R. Henry second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, Zoning Administrator.



Signed: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________________

                              For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.