
March 6, 2024 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                                       March 6, 2024


Members Present: Sandy Gregg (Chair); Michele Gammal (Vice-Chair); Don Bedard; Dave Roy

Others Present: Tim Maxham; Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


6:00 PM – S. Gregg called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

Tim Maxham asked the Planning Commission to consider minimum distances between homes in Planned Unit Developments.  He has concerns about fire in one home that could easily spread to another.  D. Roy responded that building materials today can help with blown ash, but not with a structure that is fully involved.  There was additional discussion about building codes a nd requirements for 2-3 family homes.  S. Gregg asked about posting contact information for the State Fire Marshall’s office on the Town website.


Old Business

  1. Performance Standards – The Commission reviewed Draft 2, which included 5 criteria:
  2. Air Pollution and Air Quality – added “Normal agricultural odors shall not be deemed adverse.”
  3. Noise
  4. Glare and Lighting – added “Solar energy systems shall be exempt from these standards.”
  5. Flammable, Toxic or Hazardous Substances and Waste
  6. Trash and Recycling Storage
  7. Marine Storage and Repair – The Commission agreed that in Table 2.1 (Allowed Uses), there should be no distinction between boats or cars. They are both vehicles.   Under definitions in Article 10, define motor vehicle/watercraft. The definition should include repair, sales, storage.  Should the current definition for storage be changed?


New Business

  1. Discussion about EV Charging Stations – The Commission suggested installing them at grocery stores, the post office, parks, and restaurants – not at service stations. Members agreed to leave it for now.


Approve Minutes

  1. Gammal moved to approve the minutes of February 21, 2024; D. Roy second. All in favor.



Administrator’s Report

  1. ZA Martha Taylor-Varney told the Commission that her approval for a building permit at 41 Sunset View Rd. has been appealed by a group of neighbors. The appeal hearing will be held at the DRB’s March 27, 2024 meeting.
  2. The HOME Act included a new Bylaw Reporting Form to be filled out when development regulations are updated. Martha will have the form filled out for the latest update for the Commission members to review at the next meeting.



  1. Meeting House – The Meeting House Committee is applying for a Northern Borders grant of $500,000. The Town has already received a $7000 READY grant which will provide assistance in preparing the NB application.  Pre-application is due March 22nd.  If approved, the deadline for application will be May 6th.
  2. Town Office Committee – no update.
  3. Sidewalk Mapping Project –Kyle Grenier (NRPC) reported that they are close to delivering maps.
  4. Housing Inventory – suggested taking this off the agenda for now.
  5. Weekend in the Islands – no action, at this time. Remove from the agenda.


Next Meeting

Neither Michele nor Dave can attend the March 20 meeting.  Meeting cancelled.  Next PC meeting April 3, 2024.



7:40 – D. Roy moved to adjourn; D. Bedard second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.