
March 15, 2023 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                                       March 15, 2023


Members Present: Sandy Gregg (Chair); Michele Gammal (Vice-Chair); David Roy.

Member Absent: Don Bedard; George Harwood

Others Present: Tim Maxham; Joan Falcao; Ross Brown; Phil Reynolds;

Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)


6:02 PM – S. Gregg called the meeting to order.
David Roy was assigned minute taker for this meeting.


Changes to the Agenda

There were no changes made to the meeting Agenda.


Public Comment

Joan Falcao asked that the public be allowed to comment on any matter before the PC at the time of public comments and then leave. Michele stated that it is best to hear from the public during the actual discourse to allow back and forth on an issue instead of stating something and leaving.


Town Plan


Greta Brunswick and Emily from NRPC led us through the latest Drafts.

Climate and Floor Resilience:

  1. The local hazard mitigation plan (LHMP) which was adopted in 2018 and approved by FEMA should be referenced in the new Town Plan.
  2. Floodplain issues are to be identified in the TP. The South end of Keeler Bay, Wally’s Point, part of West Shore Road, Hochelaga Road and US Route 2(near Milton) will continue to be the areas at risk for flooding.
  3. The ANR recommends limiting development in the stream corridors to at least 50’ from the top of bank to protect human life and infrastructure. ]
  4. Planning efforts must focus on those most impacted by climate change and who have the least social and economic resources to adapt to its effects.


Energy – Draft #1

This is an optional additional addition to the Town Plan.

By having this enhanced anergy plan incorporated into the Town Plan, The Town can achieve greater say in renewable generation projects.

  1. The plan now references electrical energy generation targets for South Hero. The target dates are for 2025, 2035 and 2050 respectively. This also includes other renewable sources of energy including wood, bio-fuel, heat pumps and as stated, renewable energy production.
  2. South Hero supports NRPC’s position regarding “commercial” and “industrial” wind facilities.
  3. There is preference for smaller solar facilities (under 5 MW or approximately 20 acres). Solar facilities with greater than 149 kW are to have screening or ways to break up the larger scale of the solar facilities. The Town of South Hero hopes to adopt a municipal screening ordinance in the future.
  4. Table 7.11 (pages 11/12 and 13) identifies the mapping constraints in a narrative version and identifies the requirements and what department regulates the constraints.
  5. Table 7.12 (pages 13-19) identifies facilities that have a Certificate of Public from the Vermont Utilities Commission to generate electricity.
  6. Maps provide input on the power infrastructure and grid for South Hero.
  7. All of this information will be in the appendix of the new Town Plan.

“Local Economy” section

  1. The business and employment trends were identified in this section.
  2. It was requested that Leisure and Hospitality also include the word “restaurant” within the pie chart to make sure it represent the total market and not just accommodations.
  3. There needs to be some clarification on wether the data is full-time or part-time employment. This requires some clarification.
  4. There was discussion that the median household income is on the rise to $116,985. This represents a 12% increase from 2019.


Draft #2 – edits

Municipal and Community Facilities and Services.

  1. Some new Goals and Objectives have been outlined.
    1. #1 States: Maintain and upgrade, where reasonable and necessary, municipal facilities and grounds ate reasonable costs.
    2. #2 States: Strive to meet the basic needs of residents and access to affordable goods and services within town, including in times of emergency.
    3. Others are modified.

Tax Base and Cost of Services.

  1. Property values have increased 5% since the 2019 appraisal.

Community Health

  1. Sandy has an update to the Community Health narrative.
  2. The picture in Figure #2 shall read “Old White Meeting House”


  1. Add Strategy #5 “Support, and share information about, programs and resources that help to lower costs of home ownership such as energy conservation, weatherization and utility assistance.
  2. The charts for Housing affordability need to be modified with 2020 census data to relate rental costs to that required to support rental usage in the community.
  3. Under Future Housing Needs, add the statement that the senior community are looking for properties that are easier to maintain as well as being accessible to services and community spaces.


The Town Plan must be completed on August 1, 2023.

  1. In order to achieve this goal, there will be additional meeting on March 23rd and March 29th (Greta will attend March 29th meeting)
  2. Sandy will send an agenda and link for the meeting at the Library on March 23rd.


New Business

  1. Gregg read the proposed new Rules and Procedures for meetings. Edits were proposed and will be made. ALL PC members will have to sign and adopt the changes at the next meeting. David made a motion to adopt the Rules and Procedures as edited. Michele Seconded.
  2. Gregg read a letter requesting funding form our Congressional District for renovations and improvements to the Old White Meeting House.
  3. Phil Reynolds indicated that Roberts Rules should be referenced. PC members should be allowed to abstain from a vote and Phil will write a short narrative to that effect.


Meeting Minutes

Michele Gammal moved to approve the minutes from March 1, 2023;  David Roy seconded.   All in favor.


Administrator’s Report

Nothing to report.


Next Meeting

The next “Special” PC meeting will be March 23rd, 2023 at 6PM at the Library (Downstairs).


8:13 PM – S Gregg moved to adjourn; M. Gammal second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

David Roy , PC


Signed: _________________________________________ Date: _______________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.