
June 21, 2017 Planning Commission Minutes


MINUTES        June 21, 2017


Members Present: G. Delano, D. Patterson, S. Gregg, D. Roy

Public Present: Bridgett Kerr; Greta Brunswick (NRPC); Taylor Newton (NRPC); Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


2:17PM – G. Delano called the meeting to order


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


NRPC – review of Articles 7, 8, and 9 of Development Regulations updates

Article 9’s title was changed from “Hazard Area Regulations” to “Flood Hazard and River Corridor Regulations” at the Commission’s request.  Under the development standards, the Commission designated lowest floor elevation to be 2 feet above base flood elevations, thereby designating 104 feet as the minimum first floor elevation for new or substantially improved structures in the flood zone Zones (AE, AH, A1-A30, AE and AH). Even though there are none in South Hero, River Corridor language was added to the regulations to make the Town eligible for FEMA funds should they be needed due to any future floods.

In Article 8 (Administration and Enforcement), it was decided to require a Certificate of Occupancy for all land use permits issued by the Zoning Administrator.  Martha will recommend to the Selectboard that the fee schedule be amended to reflect the structure size and use for each CO.  The term ‘Legislative Body’ will be replaced by ‘Selectboard’ throughout the document. Under Duties and Responsibilities of the Planning Commission (Section 803), the Commission will be ‘enabled to’ rather than required to have the powers and responsibilities that are listed in State statute, since some on the list may never be necessary here in South Hero.

In Article 7 (Specific Uses and Structures), the requirement for Fire Department documentation approving emergency and service vehicle access for Seasonal Conversions (Section 708) needs further discussion with the FD and the Selectboard.  The Commission recognized there could be concerns related to possible liability as well as the time commitment required from a volunteer organization.  Conditional use review will also be required for seasonal conversions when there are 2 dwellings on a lot.  Under Marinas and Yacht Clubs (Section 706), the Commission agreed to require a minimum of 200 feet of shoreline, and to set a minimum elevation of 104 feet for boat storage.  Items including the need for screening of boat storage areas will be left to the DRB as part of Conditional Use review, and boat washing areas must be away from the lake to prevent the spread of invasive plants or species.  In Lake Access Structures (Section 705) no part of a structure may remain below the 102-foot lake level (mean flood level).  The level was previously 106 feet.  There was considerable discussion regarding Home Business, Home Occupation, and Home Industry, mostly in regards to the number of employees allowed.  For a Home Business, no additional employees other than members of the household, and no Town approvals are required.  Home Occupation requires a permit from the Zoning Administrator and may have no more than 2 non-resident employees and no more than 2 additional seasonal employees.  Home Industry will require Conditional Use and Site Plan review by the DRB and will allow no more than 6 non-resident year-round or seasonal employees.  Retail will be allowed in Home Industry.  Single-family homes and commercial structures (one commercial use only) will be allowed on the same parcel in all districts with Conditional Use review.

Additional discussion centered on the use of fill on a parcel.  The Commission agreed to require any fill exceeding 100 cubic yards to have Site Plan review by the DRB.  No fill may be placed within the setbacks on the parcel.  This includes any material already existing that is re-graded within the parcel.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Roy moved to accept the minutes from June 13, 2017 Special Meeting; S. Gregg second. All in favor.


Public Input

Bridgett Kerr told the Commission that, although she was not appointed by the Selectboard that she would continue to attend the Planning Commission meetings as a community member.  She expressed concerns about traffic on South St., changes in her neighborhood, and the expansion of the Village Center designation.


New/Old Business

  1. Delano reported to the Commission members a successful meeting on June 14 with the VTrans Traffic Committee where VTrans agreed to reduce the speed limit on US RT 2 in the area of the new Health Center/Wally’s Bagels to 35mph in a zone extending .3 miles further east, to Heritage Lane, from the current 50mph sign by the Post Office. In addition, ‘No Passing’ signs will be installed from Heritage Lane (east of South Hero village) all the way through to the intersection of RTs 2 and 314 in Keeler Bay village.

               A proposed barrel to be placed in the breakdown lane at the crosswalk at RT 2 and South St. was nixed by the Sheriff due to loss of turning radius.  S. Gregg requested that the crosswalk be repainted – needs to be done annually.


Administrator’s Report

The Commission agreed they would be available to meet on July 5 to complete the final draft of the Development Regulations.  NRPC will have drafts to the members to review before that meeting.

  1. Gregg is closing the 2016 Municipal Planning Grant for the revision to the Development Regulations by the deadline of June 30 and will include with the final paperwork

 the most recent draft of the document.


4:45PM – D. Patterson moved to adjourn; S. Gregg second.  All in favor.



Signed: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

                              For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.