
June 15, 2022 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                                       June 15, 2022


Members Present: Sandy Gregg (Chair); Michele Gammal (Vice-Chair); Fred Bartle; David Roy

Members Absent: George Harwood; Fred Bartle

Others Present: Joan Falcao (via Zoom); Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)


6:00PM – S. Gregg opened the meeting.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

There was none.


Preparation for Public Outreach:

PC members will be present at the upcoming Farmer’s Market on June 22nd Sandy Gregg and David Roy will be there to field questions. The CCC meeting will be on June 27th @ the Meeting House.


Materials will be prepared / printed for the events on card stock.

A tent, table and chairs will be provided along with extra copies of the survey to be filed out.

David to bring a garbage can.


It is confirmed that the PC survey is now on the Town website (Right on the front page)


ARPA Committee Update

David Roy to reach out to Charles Hulse for the ARPA survey results. David will also send results to Skip Brown (selectboard)


Wastewater Planning and Assessment Committee Update

The VTRANS scoping application was submitted. Results will be awarded at the end of August.


Old Business

Not Applicable.


New Business

Cannabis: By State statute these businesses are NOT exempt as an agricultural use. There is concensus that PC will have to amend our zoning regs OR prepare an ordinance for the legal growing, cultivation and extraction of cannabis in South Hero. This process will be done in the summer of 2023 due to expectations that the legal ramifications may be settled in the court system by that time.


Meeting Minutes

Michelle Gammal moved to approve the minutes of June 1, 2022 with minor amendments; Sandy Gregg second.


Administrator’s Report

The selectboard will be asked to re-appoint Fred and Michele for the next three-year period.


The July 6th Meeting is CANCELLED

The next meeting will be July 20th at 6PM.


8:03 – Michele Gammal moved to adjourn; David Roy second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA

Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ___________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.