
July 7, 2021 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION                                           July 7, 2021

[this meeting was held in-person with a Zoom option available.  All attended in person.]


Members Present: Doug Patterson (Chair); Sandy Gregg (Vice-Chair); Dave Roy

Member Absent: Michele Gammal

Public Present: Tim Maxham; Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)


6PM – D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

There was none.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Roy moved to accept the minutes from June 16, 2021; D. Patterson second. All in favor.


New/Old Business

  1. Village Wastewater Planning Grant Opportunities – The Commission discussed opportunities for village wastewater planning and assessment. Lynette Claudon of VT DEC has offered to meet with the Planning Commission to discuss funding opportunities.   The PC would like the Selectboard to attend if an available date can be found.  Martha will check with the Selectboard for available dates to meet jointly with the Planning Commission.
  2. Small Business Saturday – No additional information at this time.
  3. Zoning Maps – NRPC has sent the Town a new town-wide zoning maps, including the 2 new village districts. The village District maps still have the word ‘draft’ on them.  Martha will contact NRPC to have this corrected.  The maps will be posted on the Town website.
  4. Regulating Helipads and Airstrips – NRPC is assisting North Hero with language for regulating helipads and airstrips and will send to South Hero once it is completed. Martha will contact Greta Brunswick at NRPC for a status update.
  5. S. Gregg attended an “Essentials of Land Use and Planning” virtual meeting about putting together Town Plans. She said the best advise was to get the public involved as much as possible.  She shared the PowerPoint presentation link with the Commission members, who will review it as part of their preparation for the 2023 Town Plan update.  This link is available by contacting the zoning administrator.
  6. 2023 Town Plan – NRPC provided the Commission with a basic Town Plan Scope of Work and Budget and a 2020 schedule established for the Town of Fairfield.


Administrator’s Report

  1. Municipal Planning Grant application deadline for 2022 MPG’s is November 1st this year. In previous years it has been the end of September.  Applications open on September 1st Gregg suggested getting the Selectboard involved in MPG discussions for projects including municipal wastewater and sidewalks.
  2. VT Department of Housing and Community Development announced a flexible MPG for long-term projects, allowing several towns to apply together.
  3. The Commission discussed the planned installation of 2 EV stations at the Jolly gas station in South Hero Village and the need for additional stations in the Islands.
  4. There was discussion about the Town creating a Town Administrator position. Is there a need?  Alburgh is currently considering (per 7/7 Islander article).
  5. Roy moved to recommend the Selectboard appoint George Harwood to the open seat on the Planning Commission; S. Gregg second. All in favor.


7:13PM – S. Gregg moved to adjourn; D. Roy second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________

For the Planning Commission