
July 29, 2024 OSHMH Minutes

Town of South Hero – Meeting House – Preserve & Revitalize Project
Date: MONDAY, July 29, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM In person at Town Office or via Zoom
Attendees:, Michael Carroll, Pamela Surprenant, Mary Harwood, Beth Curtis, David Carter, Carol
Tremble, Sandy Gregg, & Rebecca Arnold-Arnold & Scangas Architects
Absent: Sarah Kjelleren, Linda Seavey, Terry Robinson, Jenna Lapachinski-Preservation Trust VT
Public: Elliot Sender
1. Called to order at 3:00 by David C.-Chair
2. Architect’s Report – Rebecca Arnold – Arnold & Scangas Architects, Inc. (A&S)
Construction Documents Status: A&S has a review set and red-lining to do. Structural docs 75%
complete. Needs north stair and front steps to complete Structural Docs. Rebecca stated she would
contact Engineering Ventures to review this. Sandy G. will ask Jenna L. if the 100% Architect Docs have
to be accompanied with specs. Rebecca’s concern is that the specs are a whole binder of information
and will take time to complete.
David C. asked that the complete plans be emailed to both South Hero and Jenna Lapachinski-
Preservation Trust VT (PTV) as soon as available. Further, David C. stated that Michael C. will be point
person to approve for the Committee and the Town.
Michael C. please email Rebecca A. directly with your phone number and email address.
The need to have 100% architect’s documents was clearly stated. 100% complete docs are necessary
for National Park Service (NPS) final review per Jenna L.
3. Financial Report:
Kim Julow, Town Treasurer reported that she is getting final approval to obligate $100,000 ARPA funds to
the Meeting House Project. This has to be done by Dec 31,2024 either through a signed contract or
funds obligated and paid out.
Pamela Surprenant- Treasurer South Hero Foundation reported the Foundation current balance is
4. Grant Status. Mary H. reported.
• Northern Borders – Catalyst Grant for $500,000 award. Match is $500,000.
Matching funds: Federal money can cover up to 80% of total project budget ($1,300,000). The
plan is to dedicate the Bruhn Grant of $100,000 plus the Save America’s Treasures Grant of
$400,000 (Welch’s Office) which totals $500,000 matching needed.
• Northern Borders Regional Commission (NBRC) is holding training sessions and Sue Arguin-
Town Admin, Mary Harwood, Michael Carroll, and Sandy Gregg plan to either attend in person or
listen to the recorded sessions on the NBRC website .
• Focusing now on determination of NEPA Review (National Environmental Protection Act).
Preliminary information the Town supplies is via the NEPA Intake Form. This form is nearly
completed and expected to be submitted through the NBRC Grant Management System (GMS)
by Sue A. by the end of the week. NBRC will contact Sue A. if further information is needed.
• Mary H. will provide a listing of Grants with end dates to spend money/close-out.
• There is concern that the extended wait period for NPS approval of the 100% architect Documents for
the Bruhn Grant could cause delays in the project. All are working on keeping this project on track for
a spring 2025 start.

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• Fund-raising by the South Hero Foundation to continue in earnest through summer, fall and
winter. In-person meetings are being held and often there are committee members present at the
Meeting House on Saturdays. Plus, 3 tabling dates are happening at the Wednesday Champlain
Islands Farmers’ Market behind ST. Rose in South Hero where information, plans etc. are available to
those interested in the project.
Welch’s Office: Save America’s Treasures (SAT)- Congressional Discretionary Spending (CDS)
pending for $400,000. Should hear any day now if we made it over the first of several hurdles to get this
funding. Mary H. is already preparing the final application so it is ready to send immediately upon
Phase II ESA report will be forthcoming from KAS to Rebecca A. who will forward to the Town. Yes, lead
was found. Not sure yet how that impacts project or the cost.
5. Champlain Farmers’ Market Schedule: Sandy G. reported we are scheduled to ‘table’ on
Wednesday at St. Rose’s; 8/7, 8/14, hours 3-6 PM. Will use Mary’s tent. Pamela S. and
Sandy G. to be present to chat with folks. Anyone else who can help would be greatly
6. Publicity Articles & Business Plan:
Ask Terry Robinson for very short article about the history of the 1815 Summer That Wasn’t.
Biz Plan still being worked on by Sandy G. A SCORE template is being modified to suit the project. A lot
of research has been done and more is needed. This is being done for the Town with volunteer time so
patience is appreciated.

7. Building Committee Report: Michael C. -no report at this time. Waiting for 100% Architect Docs.
8. Granny’s Status: David C. reported he met with Robin Way-Granny’s attic. Robin said that they
will be meeting with CIDER about he potential to partner with the Granny’s Attic organization to
become part of the CIDER building project on Lavin Lane. David C. also said the Red Building
might be available for a longer than anticipated timeframe due to the Selectboard
determination that the Southside of US Route 2 is the preferred site for a new Town Office.
9. Old Business: Nothing added beyond above topics discussed.
10. New Business: Getting the word out ideas.
Friday & Sat Information while Granny’s Attic is open. Call Sandy G. if you can help.
Front Porch Forum posts: please post support for the project!
Ad in Islander: Sandy G. will investigate cost for 1/4 page non-profit rate ad.
11. Next Meeting – Monday, August 19,2024 at 3:00 PM at the Town Office & by Zoom.
Note: this is a new date! Turns out the date chosen at the meeting conflicts with the Town
Office being set-up for voting.
12. Adjourned at 3:54 PM Motion by Michael C.. and seconded by Pamela S., vote was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Gregg, Scribe