
July 19, 2023 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                          July 18, 2023


Members – Sandy Gregg (Chair); Michele Gammal (Vice-Chair); Don Bedard; Dave Roy; George Harwood (via Zoom)

Others PresentTim Maxham; Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


6:00PM – S. Gregg called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

There was none.


Town Plan Status

  1. Discussion on Save South Hero signs. Who do they represent? Why don’t they attend?  Gregg read a response she wrote to comments published by Joan Falcao about the Plan [attached to the minutes on the Town website].
  2. A notice will be put in the Islander under South Hero Town News with the time, date, and location for voting on Aug. 1st. This will also be put on the sandwich board and placed in front of the Town Office the week leading up to the vote.


Old Business

  1. Bedard talked to Selectman Ross Brown about the sidewalks along RT 2. The sidewalks were installed at the same time RT 2 was widened and repaved years ago and are within the State right-of-way. Will the State repair the sidewalks?   Ross told Don that the answer is probably no.  S. Gregg suggested inviting VTrans to a meeting to discuss the Class 1 Highway options at the September 20 PC meeting.  Also invited to the meeting will be the Selectboard and the Rec Commission, in addition to the public.  Regarding sidewalks, a possible future sidewalk would probably be on the west side, with a crosswalk at the school.



New Business

The Commission reviewed the Implementation Program in the Town Plan draft, prioritizing those with a short timeline.   Under Transportation and Complete Streets, D. Roy and S. Gregg are already working with Donna Boumil of Lake Champlain Islands Economic Development Corporation’s S.H.O.R.E program to improve bicycle safety, share the road etiquette, and other opportunities for cyclists for the Island Line Ferry and for local residents. Also under Transportation, coordinating with VTrans on pedestrian safety and reduced speeds in the Apple Island/Featherbed Lane area are ongoing.  Under Natural Resources and Land Use, once the Town Plan is approved by the voters the PC can continue to restructure the Town’s Development Regulations to define and included Village Core and Village Neighborhood areas in the current Village Zoning Districts.  Also included under Natural Resources and Land Use, provisions in the development regulations to ensure that development is compatible with natural areas, critical habitat, public access areas on the lake shore, wetlands, scenic views, and flood plain areas; protecting the lake shoreline by identifying areas that may be treated differently in the Town regulations; allowing concentrated residential development at higher densities in the village areas than allowed in other zoning districts; and informing the public about innovative solutions for safe sewage disposal.


In reference to a mailing that South Hero residents received about the Town Plan, D. Bedard asked what ‘accelerated development’ the authors were talking about?  There is a concern that people don’t understand the difference between the Town Plan and the Development Regulations. ZA Martha Taylor-Varney gave the Commission members a memorandum she had received from Vermont Community Development that explained the recently adopted Act 47 (Housing Opportunities Made for Everyone).  One part of the bill became effective on July 1, 2023 – duplexes now must ne reviewed the same as single family homes (i.e. same setbacks, must still have adequate septic capacity, etc. [The memorandum will be attached to the PC minutes in t he Town website.  For a copy contact Martha Taylor-Varney at [email protected] or 372-4841.


  1. Gregg shared some literature she received at a recent Friends of Lake Champlain:

– VT Guide to Stormwater Management

– Rain Garden Manual for Lake Champlain

– VT Bioengineering Manual


Sandy suggested forming a library loan program for publications that the Planning Commission collects.


Approve Minutes from July 5, 2023

  1. Roy moved to approve the minutes of July 5, 2023 (with corrections); G. Harwood second. All in favor.


Administrator’s Report

Nothing at this time.



There will be a meeting on Thursday, July 19 at 6PM at the Worthen Library hosted by Joan Falcao about the Town Plan.  The Planning Commission members will attend.


Next Meeting

The Next meeting will be August 2, 2023 at 6PM at the Town Office.  Donna Boumil will update the Commission on the Pop-Up Event at Folsom



7:16PM — D. Bedard moved to adjourn; D. Roy second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: ______________________________________ Date: _________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.


PC response to July mailing

VCCD Housing Memorandum