
January 4, 2017 PC Minutes



Members attending: G. Delano (Co-Chair); D. Patterson (Co-Chair); D. Roy; S. Gregg; R. Henry

Public Attending: Tim Maxham; Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


7:05PM – G. Delano called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were no changes.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Gregg moved to accept the minutes from the December 7, 2016 meeting; D. Patterson second. All in favor.


Public Input

None at this time.


Old Business

  1. Park and Ride: Martha will check with VEC on the status of the shield that is to be placed on the light to better direct the angle of illumination. The cost of the construction for the facility by the Town came in approx. $3000 under the original grant amount of $15,635.00.  Funds must be spent by March 3, 2017.  The Commission would like additional landscaping along the road which cannot be installed until after the March deadline.  S. Gregg will research securing a $1000 contract with a local landscaping company for spring planting.  The Town also plans to finish-grade the area and seed in the spring.  Martha will check if there are VTrans-approved plants for these applications to avoid issues regarding visibility, etc.  D. Patterson asked for a more complete breakdown of the cost of labor for the Town road crew beyond the hourly wage (to include insurance, etc.).  G. Delano will talk to Wayne Davis (VTrans project supervisor for the Park and Ride grant) to confirm that the Town can spend some of the remaining funds on a contact that won’t be implemented until after the project deadline.  The Commission will invite Bob Buermann (GI rep to NRPC) to its first February meeting to discuss promoting the new facility.
  2. US RT 2: The Commission is dissatisfied with the response from VTrans regarding the Selectboard’s request to reduce the speed in the area of the new Health Center/Wally’s on RT 2 (VTrans has proposed ‘streetscaping’ the area to encourage drivers to reduce their speed rather than extend the 40mph zone or add signage for no passing). G. Delano suggested discussing the situation with Sen. Mazza, and will also talk with Joe Flynn.  Tim Maxham suggested an open public meeting with representatives Mitzi Johnson and Ben Joseph, Sec’y of Transportation Joe Flynn, and Senator Mazza, and to be broadcast on LCATV.
  3. Martha gave the Commission a list of lakefront parcels that are .5-acres or less that was requested at the Dec. 7, 2016 meeting.


Administrator’s Report

Martha gave the members copies of an article in the current VLCT News from the Legal and Regulatory Notes section in reference to public notices for hearings during the process of adopting of amending the bylaws.  There was also an email to the Commission from NRPC

in regards to the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund with information about loans for building municipal wastewater systems or facilities.


  1. Delano told the Commission that he will not be able to attend the January 18, 2017 meeting and will also miss the entire month of March.


Discussion included the question whether condominium units (multiple dwelling units on the same lot) should trigger the requirement for upgrades to the road.  Currently the Regulations require upgrades when more than 3 lots (section 502), rather than dwelling units.  It was decided to ask for an opinion from NRPC.  There was further discussion on rights-of-way and upgrading current roads.


8:02 PM- S. Gregg moved to adjourn; D. Roy second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


Signed: _____________________________________  Date: _____________________

For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.