
January 29, 2019 Minutes

2019 Municipal Planning Grant – Old White Meeting House OUTREACH COMMITTEE Minutes from January 29, 2019
Committee Members Present: Ross Brown, David Carter-Chair, Sandy Gregg, Bridget Kerr, Carol Nedde, Terry Robinson, Taylor Newton-NRPC, Mary Harwood-Harwood Consulting, Bev Blakely Committee Members Absent: Peg Clark, Carol Tremble, Bret Corbin
1. Call to Order at 5:00 pm by Chair David Carter
2. Site Visit discussion about the Old White Meeting House. Historic aspects noted including structural issue caused by garage bay doors.
3. Minutes of January 15, 2019: Motion by Ross B. to approve, second by Sandy G., vote unanimous.
4. Agenda Changes – none
5. Survey Development – Mary Harwood lead the discussion. A. Historic timeline use of the building is important – Terry R. will investigate and get a copy to share and to be posted on the website. B. Past structural reports: there are past reports in the Town Office. Sandy G. will obtain copies, scan and get loaded to the website. C. What is the expected output from the survey and how should the results be quantified? How do we need to ask the questions? Should they be graded/weighted answers? For example: 0-5 with zero meaning strongly disagree and 5 meaning strongly agree. D. Do we address costs and how to pay for any renovations/preservation? E. The order of asking questions is important and should be logical. After discussion it was agreed that old questions #3 The Town Should: become question #1. F. Under question “The Town Should”: • Retain ownership of this building – Yes or No • c. “Weatherize the building” can be combined with f. and g. G. Questions should not present a “wild” agenda. H. Add a question about should Granny’s Attic become a year-round operation? I. If the Town retains ownership of the building and leases space then the building becomes income producing to the Town and results in the building going back on the Grand List and taxes will need to be paid by the Town. David C. described the arrangement with the Island Artist group that rent will cover the taxes for the old Rescue Building, therefore, covering the taxes the Town needs to pay. J. David C. will find out the carrying costs of The Old White Meeting House now that the Fire Dept is out. K. Last question should ask if the person completing the survey wishes to be a volunteer in a “Friends of The Old White Meeting House” capacity. L. Question(s) should include the degree of preservation envisioned and to what extent historic accuracy is desired. M. Taylor N. suggested the number of questions be limited to 10. Options per question could include 4-5 options plus the “Other Ideas” text box.
6. Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 12, 5-6 pm Town Office. Agenda to include refining questions.
7. Meeting Adjourned at 6:04 pm. Motion by Ross B., seconded by Mary H. vote was unanimous. Respectfully submitted, Sandy Gregg