
February 7, 2024 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                           February 7, 2024


Members Present: Sandy Gregg (Chair); Michele Gammal (Vice-Chair); David Roy

Member Absent: Don Bedard

Others Present: Joan Falcao (via Zoom); Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


6:00PM — S. Gregg opened the meeting.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

Joan Falcao asked if “light industry” had been defined yet. D. Roy responded that the Commission members had agreed to strengthen the performance standards that the DRB would use to review a project under conditional use review rather than to attempt to define light industry.  Oan also stated that she had heard that Island Racing was “starting up again.”  The zoning administrator will check the window within which the noise was allowed and will speak with the business owner.


Old Business

  1. Continued discussion on “small, light-industry” – The Commission had agreed to leave it without a definition but to look at strengthening the performance standards used by the DRB for conditional use reviews. Roy has a list used by the city of Winooski that has additional categories.  The Commission members will research, what other towns include and come to the February 21 meeting prepared for further discussion.
  2. Continued discussion on “performance standards” – see A above.
  3. Definition: “Marina (Boat) Storage and Repair” – the Commission agreed that a definition is needed, including adding to Table 2.1 (Allowed Uses) that differentiates boat repair and storage from Marina uses. Members will be prepared to begin discussion at the February 21 meeting.


New Business

Nothing, at this time.


Administrator’s Report

ZA Martha Taylor-Varney reported to the Commission that the February Zoning 101 class will be a presentation by Rebecca Pfieffer, Floodplain Protection Program Manager in the VT DEC Watershed Management Division.  Due to record high water levels on the lake, even before the usual rise in the spring due to snowmelt, there has been a lot of concern about possible flooding this spring on private and municipal properties along the lake.   The meeting will be held downstairs at the Congregational Church on South St. at 6PM on Thursday, February 29th.



  1. Meeting House Update – There will be a meeting of the Meeting House Committee on Monday, February 12 at 3PM at the Town Office. The Committee has exceeded its mandate from the Selectboard and will discuss plans moving forward.
  2. Town Office Committee –The Town Office feasibility committee has completed their work, and the Town has now received a Town Office planning grant. PC member and architect David Roy told the Commission that he plans to meet with staff at the Town Office to assess staffing needs and program requirements before starting a preliminary design.   The Selectboard’s February 12 agenda includes discussion on forming a Town Office building committee.
  3. Sidewalk Mapping Study – The Commission needs more information from Kyle Grenier of NRPC before it can move forward on this. Seasonal road construction bidding is currently underway, leaving less time for Kyle to respond to sidewalk mapping needs.  Gregg will contact him about when he may be available.
  4. Housing Inventory update – Gregg gave the members a copy of Form 411, a list of current housing and building uses that the Listers are required to send to the State each year [this will be attached to the minutes on the Town website]. The Commission was asked to review it for the next meeting.


Next Meeting

February 21, 2024 at 6PM at the Town Office.



6:45PM – D. Roy moved to adjourn; M. Gammal second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: _______________________________________Date: _________________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.


housing inventory in S. Hero