
February 21, 2024 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                           February 21, 2024


Members Present: Sandy Gregg (Chair); Michele Gammal (Vice-Chair); David Roy; Don Bedard.

Others Present: Tim Maxham; Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA).


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

Not at this time.


Old Business

  1. Continuing Discussion on Performance Standards – The Commission members reviewed performance standards from North Hero, Milton, Colchester, and Winooski. Does the Commission want a purpose statement at the beginning, as a link to Development Review Board reviews?  All agreed that it would be helpful.   There was considerable discussion on noise.  Should these extend beyond a property’s boundary?  Add that the DRB can add specific conditions.  Standards for air quality need to be expanded to include smoke, fly- ash, dust, fumes, vapors, gases, and other forms of air pollution.  Glare and Lighting can remain as it is.  Gammal asked if they should add “toxic substances and waste” to the standard for hazardous materials?  Also add language here  related to discharging into a watercourse, lake, or the ground.  The Commission will make sure these all fit into the intentions of the Town Plan.  S. Gregg will create a first draft for review at the next meeting.
  2. Marine Storage and Repair – There is no defined allowed use in Table 2.1 for boat repair. The DRB had referred to the review requirements under ‘motor vehicle repair’ for a recent review.   The commission agreed that instead of adding a new category for boat repair to instead remove the work ‘motor’ and keep the category ‘vehicle repair.’  Or ‘watercraft/vehicle repair’?  Discussion will continue.  Add boat storage as a separate category in Table 2.1.


New Business

None at this time.


Approve Minutes from February 7, 2024

Don Bedard moved to approve the minutes of February 7, 2024; D. Roy second.  All in favor.


Administrator’s Report

No report this evening.




  1. Meeting House – Gregg reported that the Selectboard is prioritizing applying for grants for renovating the meeting house since they are further along with planning than other projects currently in the planning stages (particularly wastewater options).
  2. Town Office Committee – Architect Roy is working on a preliminary design for the Town.
  3. Sidewalk Mapping Project – Gregg talked to Kyle Grenier at NRPC and will have an update at the next meeting.
  4. Housing Inventory – No update.
  5. Weekend in the Islands – Gammal asked who could take on the responsibility of organizing WITI this year. Are there groups who could work together to plan it?


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be March 6, 2024 at 6PM at the Town Office.  Neither D. Roy nor M. Gammal will be able to attend on March 20th.



David Roy moved to adjourn; D. Bedard second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: __________________________________________ Date: _____________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.