
Feb. 28, 2019 Minutes

2019 Municipal Planning Grant – Old White Meeting House OUTREACH COMMITTEE
Minutes from February 28, 2019
Committee Members Present: David Carter-Chair, Sandy Gregg, Bridget Kerr, Carol Nedde, Terry
Robinson, Taylor Newton-NRPC, Mary Harwood-Harwood Consulting, Bev Blakely, Carol Tremble, Peg
Committee Members Absent: Ross Brown, Bret Corbin
1. Call to Order at 5:00 pm by Chair David Carter
2. Grant Source Possibilities: discussion about the various resources for grant funding that may be
available for preservation and ADA requirements. Taylor N. will compile a list. David C. noted that in
order for the Town to plan for matching funds any project would have to be included in the next budget
year. Therefore, the target date is October 30, 2019 for any project funding.
3. ADA requirements: Sandy G. will ask Engineering Ventures to provide clarity.
4. Minutes of January 29, 2019: No action taken.
5. Agenda Changes – none
6. Historical photos were shared and discussed. Sandy G. will look into getting a quality scan from the
Congregational Church of the photo hanging outside Cordelia’s office.
7. Engineering Ventures (EV) inspection date of March 12 was discussed and Bev B. asked if the date
could be changed as no Grannies were available to be on site on that day. Other dates were discussed.
Bev B. suggested March 7, 11, or 14. As March 12 was the earliest date EV had available the 14th was
chosen. Sandy G. will contact EV to discuss.
UPDATE NOTE: After talking with the Town on 3/2, as the Town owns the building, Sandy G.
communicated to Bev B. that either Jonathan Shaw or another member of the Town would be on site
during the inspection. Bev B. agreed that was acceptable. Sandy G. talked with EV on 3/5/19 and
confirmed the original date of March 12. That date will stand unless we here otherwise from EV.
8. Wastewater Discussion: Discussion ensued after Sandy G. shared an email from Jonathan Shaw,
Chair-Selectboard, in which he questioned if the intro to the survey should mention wastewater at all.
The group decided that if the survey results in support of community use of the building (either ground
floor only or the whole building) then the next step would be to research and find a solution for
wastewater. This might include approaching the neighbor to the north. Taylor N. noted that any updates
to the building will likely trigger state involvement.
9. Survey Development: Taylor N. said their Intern would be available to input written results into Survey
Monkey. Since NRPC would be doing that it makes sense for them to set the survey up in Survey
Monkey. All agreed.
Age demographics: Should we take this opportunity to capture up to 3 age ranges of respondents?
Conclusion was no as some might be offended. However, Terry R. volunteered to go to the 7th &
8th graders and arrange for this group to do a micro survey as follow-up to their having taken part in
painting the cupola. The group agreed this would be a positive approach and provide crosscurriculum
experience involving the Town’s history.
Mailing: It was noted that “Postal Patrons” includes rentors as well as property owners.
10. Prior structural inspections: Sandy G. had copies from the Town Office and will get them scanned
and added to the website and emailed to the Committee.
11. Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 23, 5-6 pm Town Office. Agenda to include final draft of the survey.
7. Meeting Adjourned at 6:02 pm. Motion by Sandy G., seconded by Mary H. vote was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted, Sandy Gregg