
Feb. 20, 2019 PC minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                     February 20,2019


Members Present: D. Patterson-Chair, S. Gregg-Vice Chair, B. Kerr, M. Gammal

Members Absent: D. Roy

Public Present: Chelsea Mandigo-Rec Commission, Dave Hobbs-Rec Commission, Linda                            Burger-Rec Commission, Jack Brooks-Rec Commission, Tim Maxham


7 PM – D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda: There were none


Public Input: There was none


South Hero Rec Commission: SH Rec Comm members presented the “South Hero Community Trails Project”Connecting Us to Each Other & Important Community Places”.

A map was presented that clearly showed three (3) prioritized trails that will expand and connect to already existing trails.

Priority #1: Folsom-Library Trail

Priority #2: Landon-Folsom Trail

Priority #3: South Street-Roy Marsh (Creamery Creek) Trail


#1 Folsom – Library Trail would require addressing Trail Patrons’ safely crossing Route 2 to access the new Library, Community Health Center, Wally’s, and future Senior Housing Project.


#2 Landon-Folsom Trail would require some “turnpike” (Raised) stretches over blue areas on the map.


#3 South Street-Roy Marsh will be addressed at a later date.


General issues/notes:

  1. SH Rec Com already has Memoranda of Understanding from each landowner that states they are willing to further discuss these trails and work with the Commission.
  2. Upon complete build-out at #260 (Library currently under construction & a planned office building should begin construction later this spring) the DOT will re-evaluate the traffic along Route 2 at the entrance to see if some sort of traffic calming is in order.
  3. D. Patterson expressed that the Plannning Commission would like to see sidewalks along the south side of Route 2. Note: sidewalks already exist along the north side.
  4. Signage: Trail signage has been discussed by the SH Rec Comm and grants have been identified to help with the cost.
  5. SH Rec Comm is planning general public outreach to get feedback from the community.
  6. SH Rec Comm was reminded that the SH PC is here to provide support in this endeavor and will sign letters of recommendation to that effect for grant applications.
  7. SH Rec Comm already posts signs during hunting season that the trails are closed for safety.


Discussion on the Application for NDA was postponed until the next meeting.


Discussion on the maximum height of new buildings within the new Village Zones was discussed. It was noted that SHVFD does not have the capacity to reach a proposed 45 foot height. Discussion followed and resulted in a Motion by B. Kerr to have the maximum height within the Village Zones be 40 feet. Motion seconded by S. Gregg. The vote was unanimous.


The PC went on record as disappointed that the new Fire & Rescue Building does not have sprinklers.


Status of Sign Ordinance: First public meeting has been warned for March 6,2019 PC meeting.

The Selectboard is asked to attend.


Meeting Minutes: Motion by B. Kerr to approve the Minutes of the PC Meeting January 16, 2019, Motion seconded by M. Gammal. Three voted in favor; D. Patterson abstained as he was absent. Motion passed.


New/Old Business: None


Administrator’s Report: Read by D. Patterson in lieu of the Zoning Administrator’s absence. A copy is available in the Town Office.


8:30 PM Adjournment: Motion to Adjourn by B. Kerr and Seconded by S. Gregg the vote was unanimous.


Respectfully submitted by,

Sandy Gregg, Vice Chair SHPC



Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________

For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until they are approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.