
December 1, 2021 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                           December 1, 2021


Members Present: Sandy Gregg (Vice-Chair); David Roy; Michele Gammal; George Harwood

Member Absent: Doug Patterson (Chair)

Public Present: Tim Maxham; Steve and Eileen Worcester


6PM – S. Gregg called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

Steve and Eileen Worcester asked the Commission for an interpretation of Sec. 701 (Accessory Dwellings) and whether an existing ‘bunkhouse’ structure can be converted to an accessory dwelling.   The lot is part of a condominium development that includes another primary structure and accessory dwelling with a different owner.  The Worcester lot already has a primary year-round home and a seasonal accessory dwelling.  There is adequate wastewater capacity for an additional 2BR dwelling.  Could the use be changed to a “lodging establishment or PUD to allow an additional dwelling.  The condominium designation is confusing.  Could the condo property be subdivided to allow for the additional unit? Sec. 701 allows only one accessory dwelling per lot. The Commission could not find a path by which this could be approved under the current zoning Regulations.


Accessibility Waiver

This agenda item will be moved to the Dec. 15 meeting when D. Patterson can attend.


Continue discussion on Sec. 703 – Fences

  1. Gammal spoke with the Attn’y General and was told that local fence issues are a civil matter and should be handled by the Town’s Fence Viewer. South Hero no longer has a fence viewer. The Commission feels they have no jurisdiction over ‘spite fences’ – again, a civil matter – and felt they should be added to ‘exemptions’ in the Regulations. The Commission discussed whether the height for regulated fences be lowered from 6’ to 5’.  State regulations reference 4.5’.  Tim Maxham asked why regulations re fencing were included in the Development Regulations.  What is the intent?  Should it be for property line fences only?  The members agreed to rename the heading of Sec. 703 Property Line or Property Boundary Fences. Changes will need to be made to the exemptions on pg. 18 and to the definition in Art. 10 (pg. 108).  M. Gammal will work on new proposed language for the next meeting.


2022 Renewal of Village Center Designation

The deadline for application is April 2022.  The Commission reviewed current maps and corrected business names that had changed since the maps were last updated (Keeler Bay Village in 2014; South Hero Village in 2020).

Compile list of Minor Corrections/Amendments to the Development Regulations

Due to the late hour, the Commission chose to move this item to the December 15 agenda.


ARPA Committee Update

There has been no meeting yet.  S. Gregg announced that George Rice has also joined the committee.


Wastewater Planning and Assessment Committee Update

  1. Harwood reported that the committee met on Nov. 29 and will continue meeting every 2 weeks. The committee is moving ahead with the assistance of Greta Brunswick of NRPC. The 11/29 meeting included Tom Brown of the State revolving f und program for septic and drinking water.  The next meeting will be Monday, Dec. 13 at 4:30PM.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Harwood moved to accept the minutes from Nov. 7, 2021; D. Roy second. All in favor.


Administrator’s Report

  1. The Commission will meet for its second December meeting on Dec. 15.
  2. East South Hero LLC has applied for a certificate of public good with the Vermont Public Utility Commission for approval to construct, own, and operate a battery energy storage system at the VEC/VELCO facility at 21 Eagle Camp Rd.



7:45PM – D. Roy moved to adjourn; M. Gammal second.  All in favor.



Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA




Signed: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.