Zoning Administrator

January 27, 2019 Selectboard Agenda

TOWN OF SOUTH HERO Selectboard Agenda Regular Meeting of Monday January 27, 2019 South Hero Town Hall, at 6:00 PM   _______________________________________________________________________ Jonathan Shaw, Chairman David Carter                                                                                                     Sharon Roy Anne Zolotas                                                                                     Graham “Skip” […]

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January 15, 2020 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                                       January 15, 2020   Members Present: D. Patterson; S. Gregg; B. Kerr; Members Absent: D. Roy; M. Gammal Public Present: T. Maxham; J. Brightwell; M. Taylor-Varney (ZA)   6:00PM […]

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January 8, 2020 DRB Minutes

SOUTH HERO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD                                            January 8, 2020   Members Present:    Tim Maxham (Chair); Doug Patterson (Vice Chair); Jim Brightwell (alternate); Ross Brown, Nate Hayward; Gareth Hunt; Liza Kilcoyne Others Present:          Martha Taylor-Varney (Zoning […]

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January 22, 2020 DRB Agenda

TOWN OF SOUTH HERO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD January 22, 2020   South Hero Town Office @ 7:00 PM   AGENDA       Changes to the Agenda Public Input Annual Board Reorganization: elect officers for […]

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ZA’s Report to SB – 1/13/20

Administrative Officer’s Report to Selectboard                                Jan. 13, 2020   Discussion Items: Sherry Corbin and Bob Krebs have resigned from the Development Review Board. I am asking the Selectboard to appoint current Alternate and DRB […]

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