
August 18, 2021 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                           August 18, 2021

Members Present: Doug Patterson (Chair); Sandy Gregg (Vice-Chair); George Harwood; David Roy

Member Absent: Michele Gammal

Public Present: Bridget Kerr; Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)


6:00 PM – D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

There was none.


Review and discuss 2023 Town Plan formats and options

  1. Patterson commented that he preferred a format with more charts and graphs, rather lots of narrative. S. Gregg agreed that it needs to be less ‘wordy.’ G. Harwood liked the idea of having others within the community assist on parts of the report – Rec Commission, etc.

Items of discussion included whether the Commission wants to consider another consultant rather than NRPC to help produce the 2023 Town Plan; who would write the grant application for the municipal planning grant (due Nov. 1); Is there a grant application online (S. Gregg will check with NRPC); asking the Selectboard to include funds in the 2022 budget in case the Town is not granted a 2022 MPG; and, the Report needs to have a section dedicated to implementation strategies.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Harwood moved to approve the minutes from August 4, 2021, as amended; D. Patterson second. All in favor.


New/Old Business

  1. Patterson will present the proposed amendments to the Development Regulations at the Selectboard public hearing on August 23, 2021.
  2. Regulating Heliports and Airfields – North Hero has put the proposal on the back burner while they wait for further information and regulation template from NRPC. Emergency flights will not be affected.  The Towns of Wallingford, Addison, and Manchester currently have regulations.  Floatplanes cannot be regulated, as lakes are under the jurisdiction of the Army Corps of Engineers.
  3. The VEC/VELCO site at 21 Eagle Camp Rd. will have a battery energy storage system installed at their facility. East South Hero Co. LLC, owned by WEG Electric of Berlin, VT will develop the project.  The project will help Vermont Electric Cooperative “lower its power supply and transmission costs and to create a more resilient electrical grid.”  ESHC will file a petition of public good with the Vermont Public Utility Commission in mid-September.   The PC has no concerns about the proposal.
  4. “Weekend in the Islands” will be the weekend of October 9-10. There is now a website and FaceBook page for those looking for more information.


Administrator’s Report

  1. The Selectboard’s public hearing for the proposed amendments to the Development Regulations will be at the Selectboard’s regular meeting on August 23, 2021, at 7PM.
  2. The PC’s next meeting will be a joint meeting with the Selectboard on the regular PC meeting night, Wednesday, September 1, 2021, at 6PM to discuss finding options for municipal wastewater.
  3. The new guest WiFi password for the Town Office is: sh2021Guest.


Additional Discussion

  1. Gregg announced that there will be a press event on Monday, Aug 23 at 10AM the Town Office for the Old South Hero Meeting House Committee for a PR kick-off for Old South Hero Meeting House fundraising.
  2. Gregg asked if the Town’s property by the Park N’ Ride on RT 2 would be an appropriate location for storing extra highway construction material rather than at the current location on Station Rd. by the Crick.



7:03PM – S. Gregg moved to adjourn; G. Harwood second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.