
August 16, 2022 OSHMH Minutes

Town of South Hero
South Hero Meeting House – Renovate & Adaptive Reuse Project

Date: Tuesday, Aug 16,2022 – Steering Committee in person at the Worthen Library & via Zoom

Call to Order: 3:30 PM by David Carter, Chair

Attendees on ZOOM: Emily Klofft-NRPC, Linda Seavey, Sarah Kjelleran (joined later)

Attendees in person: David Carter-Chair, Mary Harwood – Town Consultant, Michael Carroll, Terry Robinson, Robin Way, Carol Tremble, Sandy Gregg- PC,

Absent: Pamela Surprenant

1. Introductions

2. Funds & Financial Reports
• There was no report from the Town.

3. Grant & Contract Update(s):
• Mary H. reminded the group that the Paul Bruhn Grant is due to end June 30,2024. We may have to ask for an extension if steps do not align and happen without more bumps along the way. The pandemic has affected this process for sure.

4. Old Business:
• Emily K. stated that the project needs A. Architect, B. Clerk of the Works to oversee the project and work in the Town’s interest, C. General Contractor.
• Emily reported that A&S estimates the construction documents will cost $31,900.
• Motion by Terry R. to accept the A&S amount of $31,900 for construction documents. Seconded by Robin W. The vote was unanimous. David C. will contact Rebecca Arnold.
• Emily will follow-through with contact Patrick at VCDP to amend our grant to include this amount.

• Community Cheers & Cheese Report: Sandy G. reminded the group that the next CCC is scheduled for Monday, Aug 22nd, 4-6.

5. New Business
• Motion by David C. to approve a $1,180 invoice from Butch Maxham for work cleaning out the old furnace in the Meeting. Seconded by Michael C. The vote was unanimous.
• Linda S. asked that a hand-out be readied for Monday CCC that states the status of the project. Mary will create this and run by the group for feedback. (Follow-up: Project Update sheet is ready).
• Sarah K. suggested that having a pop-up food truck, or mini event etc. similar to CCC but smaller would help to keep the project in front of people and provide an opportunity to give updates. Is there WiFi on site?

6. Public Comment – none

7. Next Meeting: Tuesday August 30 at 3:30 PM via Zoom and in-person at Town Office

8. Adjourned: 4:03 PM

Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Gregg, Scribe