
April 23, 2019 Minutes

2019 Municipal Planning Grant – Old White Meeting House OUTREACH COMMITTEE
Minutes from April 23, 2019
Committee Members Present: Bridget Kerr, Carol Nedde, Taylor Newton-NRPC, Mary Harwood-Harwood
Consulting, Bev Blakely, Sandy Gregg.
Committee Members Absent: David Carter-Chair, Ross Brown, Bret Corbin, Terry Robinson, Carol Tremble,
Peg Clark.
1. Call to Order at 5:07 pm by Sandy Gregg
2. Agenda Changes – none
3. Minutes of February 28, 2019: Motion to approve by Bev B. seconded by Bridget K. Vote unanimous.
4. Structural Assessment : An incomplete Draft was submitted by Engineering Ventures (EV). This was
a good start. The committee is anxious to receive the final report. Sandy will contact EV to ask when
we can receive the completed report.
5. Community Survey Development: The committee went over all survey questions once again. It was
noted that there should be no implied renovation to the building, rather, the survey should inspire
respondents to complete the questions from their own perspectives. Mary H. will rewrite the intro
paragraphs. Also, Mary H. will add a call to action with a deadline to respond by Sept. 2nd. Questions
will be re-ordered and re-numbered. We will not require all questions to be answered.
6. Final Report: 1st Draft by Taylor N.-NRPC is due by mid-October. The final report will be ready before
the Select Board begins budget meetings for the next fiscal year.
7. Community Survey Kick-Off: Final date/time TBD, however, targeting late May or early June. Sandy
G. will ask Lucas Tremble about having the Scouts do hot dogs & beverage as a fund-raiser for the
Scouts. Location: Old White Meeting House. Tours of the existing building will be offered and copies of
the survey will be ready to hand out. Taylor N-NRPC will host.
8. Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 14, 5-6 pm Town Office. Agenda to include final survey.
7. Meeting Adjourned at 6:07 pm. Motion by Bridgett K., seconded by Bev B. vote was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Gregg