
May 13, 2024 OSHMH Minutes

Town of South Hero

Meeting House – Preserve & Revitalize Project – Edited Notes

Date: MONDAY, May 13, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM In person at Town Office or via Zoom
Attendees: David Carter-Chair, Michael Carroll, Pamela Surprenant, Mary Harwood, Beth Curtis,
Sandy Gregg, & Sarah Kjelleren by Zoom.
Absent: Linda Seavey, Carol Tremble, Terry Robinson, Emily Klofft (emailed report), Jenna
Lapachinski-Preservation Trust VT
Public: Rebecca Arnold-Arnold & Scangas Architects
Called to order at 3:00 by David C.
VCDP Grant Update – Emily K.-NRPC Reported (see email below)
Hi all,
Unfortunately, I will not be in attendance on Monday as I am out of the office Friday-Tuesday. You
should be able to enter the Zoom meeting without me present as I had set up previously. In
advance of the meeting, here is my update regarding the South Hero VCDP grant. The grant end
deadline in June 30, 2024. The remaining steps to closing out the grant are completing the final
program report and the final requisition. I am working with Kim on getting the final requisition
complete and will be completing the project closeout later this month.
Report from Jenna L. with results of her meeting with Elizabeth Peebles-VHP- No Report as
Jenna was away from her office. She did email Sue A. after getting a ZOOM invite to this meeting:
“Hi All, I am out of the office this afternoon. I have not heard anything back from the 50%
review request, so I don’t have an update on the archaeology requirements.”.
Sandy G. read parts of an email (see below in entirety).
Email sent by Jenna L on 5/3/24 to: Sandy G., Mary H., Rebecca A.:
Sandy and Mary,
Happy Friday!
I know you all are busy wrapping up your NBRC application so no need to respond today,
but I wanted to provide a few updates and check in on a few things:
Review: I have asked NPS to shift their review from the full review to a 50% red flag
review, which aligns better with the current plans. We had initially talked about doing a red-f
lag review in the fall but changed to a full review in the hopes of going out to bid this spring.
I know funding and timelines are still moving targets, so the red flag review will provide
some initial feedback before Rebecca completes the 65% drawing set at the end of June. I
view this as a small step forward rather than a stall, which is where we are now with the
review process while the details are still in development.
I have included questions about archeology; will you need an ARA or Phase 1? Should you
move forward with that now? Hopefully, you’ll get some clarity on the next steps for that
piece of the puzzle.

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CDS: I would like to schedule a call with the planning team and Elizabeth Peebles at DHP t
o learn more about the timing of the CDS funding and the process. Here’s a brief overview
of my understanding of the process and timing:
1. Projects are submitted to the congressional delegation, vetted, and make their way
through the subcommittee and committee review process
2. If selected, projects are included in the congressional budget, which (hopefully) will be
passed sometime this fall
3. Congress passes the budget, then your project/funding is then turned over to the
selected agency (most likely NPS) along with all the FY25 CDS projects that will
have funding through that agency
4. The agency will reach out (it may take weeks or months) and begin conversations about
your project and you will need to submit all the required “application” materials so
you can be awarded funding
5. Once the materials are approved, you’ll get a grant agreement
6. Once you have a signed grant agreement, you can begin the review process for the
CDS money is like a special grant award, just for your project, but you still have to go
through the grant-making process (applying to the agency for your grant, completing the
paperwork and review) to receive the funding. That takes a surprisingly long time; it may
be the fall of 2025 (or even later) before you have a grant agreement for the CDS
funding. I think you’re allowed to start work before signing the agreement, but once it is
signed, you to stop work, complete the review, and then restart construction after the
review is completed.
Elizabeth is much more involved with CDS projects, which is why a call with her will be
valuable. I just want to flag that the CDS process is slow, so I want us to think proactively
about the timelines. She usually schedules calls several weeks in advance; would a call
the week of 5/20 work for the group?
Good luck with the last-minute tweaks to the NBRC materials!
Always happy to chat if you have any questions.
Jenna Lapachinski
Field Services
Preservation Trust of Vermont
90 Main Street, Suite 304
Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 552-0659
[email protected]

KAS STATUS Report Rebecca A. reported we are on track.
2. A&S Status Report – Rebecca A. reported.

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Revised Proposal received from KAS
Ph 2 cost $7,872 will take 60 days
DO ER $4,125 will take 3 months
Requires 15 day public comment period
Motion by Michael C. to give the green light and move forward with KAS. Second by
Pamela Surprenant. Vote was unanimous. Rebecca A. was told to communicate this to
Engineering Ventures is working on timber-framing requirements for structural engineering.
Interior walls -first floor: Wainscot replicated to window sill height. Sheet rock above.

3. Archeological Report: From Jenna L. Waiting for confirmation from Jenna. In meantime,
Sandy G. will talk with the State Division for Historic Preservation.
4. Asbestos Abatement:
Town will look for contractors and get one lined up with estimate. Tasked to: Build Committee.
5. Build Committee Report: MichaelC. No report at this time.
6. Grants Status: Mary H. reported
• NBRC (Northern Borders Regional Commission) Catalyst Grant full application was
submitted on schedule. Should hear by end June 30th.
• Andy Julow was identified to be the NBRG Catalysts Grant Local Development District
Contact (LDD).
• Save America’s Treasures through Welch’s Office (CDS) application in.
7. Fund-Raising Updates
• Additional 2 pages handed out for inclusion in Donor Packjets:
1. Economic Impact,
2. Environmental Impact of Preservation over Build New.
• Banner: Sarah K. provided Draft 1 concepts. Target Date to hang is May 25th!
8. Other Business –
A. Granny’s Attic: There was general discussion on when Granny’s Attic must vacate the
building. Beth C. asked for a written request to come from their landlords, the Selectboard. David
C. said these minutes would serve as the catalyst for that letter. The date decided upon is October
31st as asbestos abatement could start that early. It is a safety issue that the building be empty.
B. Sandy G. suggested that the Granny’s Attic folks solicit donations all summer long to
help the with this transition. Putting out a “Donations” Jar could have significant results.
9. Next Meeting – Monday, June 3,2024 at 3:00 PM at the Town Office & by Zoom.
10. Adjourned at 3:49 PM Motion by Michael C. and second by Sandy G., vote was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted by, Sandy Gregg, Scribe