
April 13, 2023 PC Special Meeting minutes



Members Present: Sandy Gregg (Chair); Michele Gammal (Vice-Chair); David Roy; Don Bedard; George Harwood (via Zoom)

Others Present: Emily Klofft (NRPC); Nancy Tracy (via Zoom); Jim Brightwell; Jan Falcao


6:00PM – S. Gregg opened the meeting.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

There was none.


2023 Town Plan

Emily Klofft presented to the Commission the 2nd draft of the complete plan.  The Commission members and Emily proof-read the document and made numerous corrections to syntax and  formatting.  The title page will add cover credits for photos and will include the word cloud.  The Natural Resources section will add a map from South Hero Land Trust.  There was discussion about the origin of how White’s Beach got its name.  Under “Historical and Archeological Resources”, contact information will be added for the South Hero Bicentennial Museum.  The Proposed Land Use Maps will reference the Conservation ‘Overlay’, so there is no confusion with the Conservation Zoning District. There was discussion about the number of unpaved public roads in South Hero [Kibbe Point Rd, Hochelaga Rd., and the southern end of East Shore Rd.].  Under Community Transportation, add photos of the bike ferry and contact Mike Wickenden to see if a photo of his daughter’s ice cream boat is available.  The term “conserved land” will be changed to “protected land” on the Community Assets map.  Define what Granny’s Attic is for those who may be new to the area.  David Roy will locate photos of Bayview Crossing to replace the rendering that is in the draft.  Under the ‘Local Economy’ section, Joan Falcao suggested that more information is needed on the seasonal economy and the need for housing for seasonal employees.  Can the number of businesses and employees be broken down to year-round and seasonal?  The median income data and household income data came from different sources – median income from the Dept. of Taxes and household income from the Census.  Additional format decisions included adding headings to the Town Survey section, and the “90×50” goal was defined as 90% of the State’s energy use will be provided by renewables by the year 2050.


Emily will include the edits/changes/additions to the document and will send it to the Planning Commission Chairs of the adjacent Towns, VCDP, and NRPC on Friday.  She will also send the warning for the May 17, 2023 Planning Commission public hearing to the Islander.  After tonight’s meeting, no further edits/changes can be made to the document until after the May 17 hearing.



Minutes not yet approved will wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting (April 19, 2923).


Next Meeting

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 6PM at the Town Office.



8:25PM – D. Roy moved to adjourn; M. Gammal second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are not official until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.