
November 15, 2022 OSHMH Minutes

Town of South Hero
Meeting House – Preserve & Revitalize Project

Date: TUESDAY, Nov 15, 2022
Time: 3:30 PM In person at Town Office or via ZOOM – Join Zoom Meeting

Attendees:David Carter-Chair, Michael Carroll, Robin Way, Pamela Surprenant, Beth Curtis, Mary Harwood, Terry Robinson, Sandy Gregg. Via ZOOM: Sarah Kjelleren, Emily Klofft- Northwest Regional Planning Commission, Linda Seavey
Absent: Carol Tremble
Public: none

1. Called to order at 3:35 by David C.

2. Funds & Financial Reports
• P. Surprenant, South Hero Foundation Treasurer, reported a balance of $11,060.05 in the Foundation’s account. (This does not include two very recent stock donations that total ~$12,000. These donations will show up in the next treasurer’s report.)
• There was no report from the Town.
• A Motion was made by Terry R. to authorize payment of Mary Harwood Consultant invoice #188, 11/3/2022 in the amount of $1,455 (includes time spent on: Bruhn Grant, progress reports, fall mailing, presentation at Grand TIsle Lake House, conference call with Christine Graham, website updates, and several meetings). Seconded by Sandy G., the vote was unanimous. David C. will give the invoice to Town Treasurer, Kim Julow for payment.

3. Grant(s) Updates –
• Mary H. reported it does not look favorable for South Hero’s to receive a grant through the Agency of Commerce & Community Development (ACCD) – Community Recovery and Revitalization Program: Due to the recently released narrow eligible types of projects the State has identified. Therefore, our projected grant amount of $400,00 is in severe jeopardy. More information on this grant will be forth coming at this Friday’s walk-through with State representatives.
• Letters of support are still needed from; the Selectboard, Planning Commission, Historical Society, Granny’s Attic. Sandy G. will follow up.
• Grant Administrator & Clerk of the Works still needed. These positions should be paid. Not tasked as yet.
• Project Timeline still needed. Should start to rough out one with worst case scenarios. Not tasked yet.
• Friday, Nov 18 Walk-through at 9:30 AM with A. Julow to include: Caitlin Corking-Division of Historic Preservation, Ben Doyle-Pres. Preservation Trust of Vermont, Natalie Elvidge-Northern Borders Regional Commission. All the Grannies have been invited. Emily K. will be in attendance also.

3. Old Business
• Emily Klofft.-NRPC reported: She will continue to update the committee on progress of the amended grant contract with Patrick at VCDP. The amendment to the A&S contract has been signed by both the Town and A&S.
• Construction documents for Phase #1 will be ready by Jan 1,2023. Probably will take until June 2023 to hear back from the NPS. Going out to bid will take another 3 weeks. We should focus on what we can accomplish in the meantime. Example: ID distinctive features to include in the addition such as wainscot, tin ceiling etc.
• E. Klofft estimated construction docs for phases 2 and 3 would cost 10% of the project or $100,000.

4. New Business:
• BOND VOTE: David C. reported that the Selectboard authorized the Town to engage Bond Attorney Thomas Melloni-Paul Frank & Collins, PC, 1 Church St. #500 Burlington, VT 05401 802-658-2311. There was brief discussion about who would pay the bond attorney.
Sandy G. stated that since it is the Town’s building and the Town is engaging the bond attorney the payment to cover this should come out of the Town’s Legal budget line and NOT the funds donated to actually build the building. This will need to be decided quickly.
Bond Facts: 1. 20 year bond at ~4.5% = $75,000 per year to be paid by the Town.
2. Taxpayer impact: $15.10 per $100,000 lister value for 20 years.
Example: if your house is valued at $500,000 it would be $75.50 per year.
3. Bond Attorney would write the Article to go to vote.
PR campaign required starting after Thanksgiving.
• Linda S. asked what other Bond measures are going to be on the ballot. David C. responded
a new FireTruck: 2 yr taxpayer impact of $140,000 per year.
• ARPA Funds: Salt shed: $100,000
Meeting House $100,000
Money saved from paving budget projected for next year
• Reminder: If interested parties desire information about the project direct them to the website: this site has the design plans, notes from the walk-through with Alex Tolstoi etc.
• Photos of Building in current condition: Sarah K. volunteered to meet with Sandy G. to document details of the current state of the building (ceilings, windows, doors etc.). They will get together after Thanksgiving.
• Report received by Lyssa Papazian-Historic Preservation Consultant: Historic Preservation Report Phase 1 Stabilization & Preliminary Phase 2 Rehabilitation & Addition. Sandy G. will email the report to all (32 pages). See attached…

5. Public Comment – none

6. Next Meeting – Tuesday, Dec 6 at 3:30 PM at the Town Office.

7. Adjourned at 4:35

Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Gregg, Scribe