
Oct. 19, 2022 PC Minutes

Members Present: Sandy Gregg (Chair), Michele Gammal (Vice-Chair); David Roy; George Harwood; Fred Bartle (via Zoom).
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Emily Klofft (NRPC), Tim Maxham, Mike Gammal, Martha Taylor- Varney (ZA).
S. Gregg called the meeting to order at 6PM.
Changes to the Agenda – There were none.
Public Comment – There was none.
Continue 2023 Town Plan – Emily Klofft of Northwest Regional Planning Commission (NRPC) presented an update to the remaining schedule for the 2023 Town Plan. NRPC will have the first half of the Town Plan Draft ready for the PC’s first meeting in February 2023. NRPC will present the second half of the draft at the PC’s first meeting in March.
S. Gregg requested that NRPC update the Roadmap for the Town Plan project and have it ready by the PC’s Nov 2nd meeting. E. Klofft agreed.
M. Gammal requested the same be done for the schedule and E. Klofft agreed.
S. Gregg stated it is the goal of the PC to have the new Town Plan be more readable and include visual interest with photos. She will contact Rob Swanson and put out a request in Front Porch Forum for community members to submit photos they have taken around Town.
M. Taylor-Varney asked if the 2023 Town Plan is not voter approved by August 2023 then what is the status? E. Klofft responded; 1. The current Zoning Regulations remain in place; 2. No changes can be made to those Zoning Regulations until the new Town Plan is approved by voters and confirmed by NRPC; 3. The Town would not be eligible for Municipal Planning Grants, Act 250 permits, or Section 248 renewals (renewal of energy projects). M. Taylor-Varney stated the Town has an energy proposal in the works so that would be negatively impacted. S. Gregg said it is important for the PC to do outreach to the community to have folks review the draft Town Plan before the public vote.
E. Klofft stated the new Town Plan will have added side bars and an updated Table of Contents.
S. Gregg stated it was the PC’s hope to include a Resources section with links to various resources, the resource title and brief description. The PC will have this ready for NRPC to incorporate into the draft Town Plan.

ARPA Committee:
D. Roy will be meeting with the Selectboard at their Oct 24 meeting with suggestions from the Planning Commission on how the Town’s ARPA funds should be allocated. After considerable discussions the PC decided the Recommendations are:
1. The South Hero Meeting House @ $100,000
2. Town Salt Shed @ $100,000 with caveat to create small public parking with bike rack and bench for parking in the corner where the sand/salt piles had been previously located.
3. New Town Rec Park:
a. Landscaping and access improvement @ $50,000
b. Wastewater allocation-public restrooms @ $50,000
4. Villages Sidewalks Project allocation @ $100,000
5. Sidewalk maintenance Equipment/Blower @ $20,000
6. White’s Beach improvements, signage, benches @ $20,000
7. All-wheel drive ambulance allocation @ $50,000
TOTAL $490,000

S. Gregg stated that if Kibbe Point Road is not paved, due to residents requests, then the funds saved by not paving could be allocated to the to go toward the Salt Shed (under the Highway Dept budget umbrella). Then, those ARPA funds could go towards the South Hero Meeting House Project for community uses and to be used in matching grant applications.
Wastewater Planning and Assessment Committee Update G. Harwood reported that the wastewater committee will meet on Oct. 24 to review assessments of potential sites, geology reports etc. and then discuss sites for test pits. A letter will be drafted to go to those test pit property owners. The goal is to have the test pits done this fall.
Old Business – Weekend In the Islands
M. Gammal reported that the event was viewed by participating businesses as a success. Arbor Farm Market had a line going out the door! Sudsy Goat was very busy and some businesses said they will have even more items ready for sale for next year. Both Alburgh and Isle LaMotte want to participate next year as well. Grand Isle School did a fund-raiser and it is hoped that Folsom will participate next year. Friday, Oct 21st M. Gammal is holding a wrap-up meeting for feedback in preparation for next year’s Weekend In The Islands! Kudos to Michelle and her team for creating this amazing event to showcase businesses in the Islands.
New Business – There was none.
Administrator’s Report
M. Taylor-Varney stated she leaves tomorrow (Thur 10 20) and will be back Nov 1st. S. Gregg will create the Agenda for Nov 2nd meeting and email to Naomi (Town Clerk) to post on the Town website and at Town Office. S. Gregg will post at the Post Office and the Library.
Meeting Minutes
D. Roy moved to approve the minutes from October 5, 2022; G. Harwood seconded. All in favor.
Next meeting will be November 2, 2022 at 6:00 PM
7:27 PM – G. Harwood moved to adjourn; seconded by D. Roy. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted, Sandy Gregg, Chair
Signed: __________________________________________ Date: ____________
For the Planning Commission
These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.