
Old South Hero Meeting House, Minutes of August 9, 2021

Town of South Hero
South Hero Meeting House – Preserve & Revitalize Project

Date: Monday, Aug 9,2021
Steering Committee on Zoom & in person

Call to Order: 4:02 PM by David Carter – Chair

Attendees: David Carter-Selectboard, Emily Klofft-NRPC, Beth Curtis-Granny’s Attic, Linda Seavey, Mary Harwood – Town Consultant, Sarah Kjelleren, Pamela Suprenant, Terry Robinson, Michael Carroll, Nate Hayward, Sandy Gregg- PC

Absent: Carol Tremble, Michael Breault

1. Contract for “Pre-Build Stage” with Arnold & Scangus – The Selectboard signed the contract & it is now with Arnold & Scangus. Emily K. will follow-up with A&S.
• The Town needs to set-up a separate, non-interest bearing account to receive VCD Grant funds – Kim Julow will follow-up.
• Signed contract needs legal review by an attorney referred by NRPC. Emily K. will follow-up.
• Administrative Services contract with NRPC has been sent to David C. – Needs SB approval & signature.

2. State Historic Preservation Grant Update: Mary H. reported the maximum is $20,000.
• Determination of Eligibility is required. This is included in A&S contract under their scope of work.
• October deadline to get cost estimates for this round of grants. Not going to happen so will have to apply in the next round.
• If voters approve a bond at Town Meeting the Grant funds could could be applied to paying back the bond.

3. Old Business:
A. Website: is up!
B. Donations are live on the website!
C. Little Green Light (LGL) is also live to capture Donor information.

4. New Business:
A. Posters & Handouts: Sarah K and Sandy G. will have posters ready by 8/20.

B. Islander Article: David C. has contact info for Islander writer and will get in touch with him when we have a signed VCDP contract.

C. Front Porch Forum: posts should start happening soon. Beth C. and Sandy G. will start the ball rolling just to get folks excited that IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!

D. Community Support: Nate Hayward expressed interest in the use of the property to the north for easement for wastewater and parking behind the Meeting House. All agreed that more green space in the front is needed so it is not a mass of asphalt.

E. Communications: Bath C. will continue to pass along information to the Granny’s.

F. Motion by Sandy G. to approve invoice #140 from Harwood Consulting in the amount of $780, seconded by Michael C., vote was unanimous.

5. Next Meeting: Monday, Sept 13th at 4:00 PM at Town Office with a Zoom option (Nate will help set-up the Zoom).

8. Adjourned 4:36 PM

Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Gregg, Scribe