
June 5, 2019

HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                           June 5, 2019


Members Present: D. Patterson (Chair); S. Gregg (Vice-Chair); M. Gammal; B. Kerr

Member Absent: D. Roy

Public Present: Tim Maxham; Mike Gammal; Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)


7:00 PM: D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Input

There was none.


Discussion of possible new ordinances – what may be needed?

There was discussion about studying the possible need for ordinances for Noise, Special Events, Food Trucks, and Junk.

It is understood that the Selectboard is reluctant to consider a noise ordinance but because of increasing numbers of complaints about noise from motorbike tracks, fireworks, and occasional issues from rental properties along the lake, it was decided to explore how other communities have dealt with the issue.

Food trucks have become more prevalent in South Hero, both long-term or transient, and there have not been standardized rules established by the Town for their operation. The Town’s Development Regulations address restaurants but do not necessarily cover the various aspects of a food truck that are different from a bricks and mortar restaurant.

There are no regulations for one-time special events other than coming before the DRB for conditional use and site plan review, a much longer process that could inhibit last-minute scheduling or planning for an event. Last year’s ‘art exhibit’ at the former Sandbar Motel was an example of a special event that had never notified the Town (or VTrans, since the location is on a very busy area of RT 2) of their plans. Other examples of special events would be concerts, political rallies, or anything else held at a temporary location and hosts a large number of people. Currently, road race and bike tour organizers, among others, have come before the Selectboard several months prior as part of their planning. The Commission agreed that there may be a benefit to establishing standard requirements for special events as a benefit to both the Town and the event organizer. The members also agreed to study the possibility of a junk ordinance. Again, this is a subject that the Town has not agreed to regulate. There are some State provisions for junk cars, but they are limited. The zoning office has received numerous calls with complaints about junk. The Commission agreed to look further into the issue and perhaps present recommendations at a future meeting.



The Commission members agreed to further study of the following:


Doug Patterson – Junk

Sandy Gregg – Food Trucks

Bridgett Kerr – Noise

Michele Gammal – Special Events


This will remain on the agenda for future meetings as follow-up to tonight’s discussion.



Review of Minutes

  1. Gregg moved to accept the minutes from May 15, 2019; M. Gammal second. All in favor.



New/Old Business

There was none.


Administrator’s Report

  1. Patterson and M. Gammal confirmed that they would accept re-appointment to another 3-year term on the Planning Commission. Martha will recommend to the Selectboard at their June 10 meeting that Doug and Michele be re-appointed.
  2. Martha will be meeting with Taylor Newton of NRPC on Thursday (6/6) to finalize revisions to the proposed updates to the Development Regulations. She will ask for a schedule from NRPC for a final document to be produced.
  3. Martha confirmed with S. Gregg the schedule for the 2 required outreach meetings for the Old White Meeting House Outreach Committee. The first will be held at the beginning of the Planning Commission’s June 19 meeting. The second is tentatively scheduled for the Selectboard’s ‘5th Monday’ meeting with the Planning Commission and DRB members scheduled for July 29, 2019.
  4. The Commission had been invited by the Town of Milton to attend VLCT training for Planning Commission members. The members declined to attend at this time.


7:51 PM: S. Gregg moved to adjourn; B. Kerr second. All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled meeting. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.