
September 23, 2024 OSHMH Minutes

Town of South Hero

Meeting House – Preserve & Revitalize Project

Date: MONDAY, September 23, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM In person at Town Office or via Zoom
Attendees: David Carter-Chair, Michael Carroll, Pamela Surprenant, Mary Harwood, Carol Tremble,
Sarah Kjelleren & Rebecca Arnold-Arnold & Scangas Architects (via ZOOM), Sandy Gregg
Absent: Terry Robinson, Beth Curtis, Jenna Lapachinski-Preservation Trust VT
Public: Paula Bagger
Called to order at 3:03 by David C.
Architect’s Report: Rebecca Arnold – Arnold & Scangas Architects, Inc. (A&S) reported
KAS update: Rebecca A. reported that Jeremy Roberts had emailed a KAS Cost Proposal to conduct
a Site Investigation at the Old White Meeting House based off expectations of what the VT Dept. of
Environmental Conservation (VT DEC) will request once they issue a hazardous waste site # to this
property and send a first letter. This letter is expected by the end of the week. (see attached).KAS.CostProposal.SiteInvestigation#2
Rebecca stated the soil core samples will go 18” deep.
General discussion followed: the Town will wait until the letter from the State is received.
Michael C. reported the Build Committee discussed a possible foundation stone treatment that was
suggested by an outside masonry contact that proposed the new foundation be partially stone and
the stone go below grade. The Build Cmte. stated this would cause moisture issues and did not
recommend this proposal.
National Park Service (NPS) Review Status – Jenna Lapachinski-Preservation Trust Vermont
Jenna was not present, however, she emailed Sandy G. that the 75% plans and revised scope
of work was received by the NPS and they told her that they had just completed a backlog of
VT reviews and South Hero is next.
Financial Report: Kim Julow-Town Treasurer was not available.
Grant Status: Mary H. reported we are waiting for the NPS review.
Foundation Report: Fund-raising continues. $50,353 in the account as of today. Expecting a private
donation of $5,000.
Publicity & tabling:
• 1/2 page 4-color ad will go into The Islander.
• A couple good contacts made while tabling outside the Meeting Houses on Saturday morning by
David C. He informed folks about the 1816 “summer that wasn’t”. People were very interested!
David & Michael will finish the article they are co-writing and submit it to The Islander and 7 Days.
It will also be added to the Donor Packet.
• Please join the Tabling at Fall Harvest Farmers’ Market, Saturday, Oct 12 behind St. Rose
Church. This is a benefit of the SH Foundation paying to be a 2024 Community Sponsor of the
Market. It is usually mobbed! Hope for good weather!!
Old Business: Grannies article in The Islander article last week was very good. It outlined the
progress of the Grannies moving out and partnering with CIDER to relocate to the new building
CIDER plans to build on their Lavin Lane property. Also, the Selectboard agreed to allow the
Grannies 2 years of use of the Red Building.

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New Business:
• Brownfields – The possibility of the Meeting House site being deemed a Brownfields Site by the
State was discussed. In the meantime, Sue A, Town Administrator and Sandy G. are drafting
Eligibility Application #1 & Application #2 to for review by Greta Brunswick-NRPC
( ) . The Town should be ready to pull the
trigger on Brownfields grant funding applications. Additionally, the Town would be required to
enroll in BRELLA (
sites/brownfields/BRELLA/brella-application ), the program for brownfield funding through the
Federal Government. Any grant requires a 20% Town match.
Next Meeting: Monday, Oct 14,2024 at 3:00 PM at Town Office Meeting Room (confirmed). David C.
will have a key to open the door as the Town Office will be closed that day celebrating Indigenous
Peoples Day.
Adjourned at 3:45 PM: Motion to adjourn by Carol T., second by Michael C., vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Gregg, Scribe