
August 21, 2024 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                        August 21, 2028


Members Present: David Roy (Chair); Don Bedard (Vice-Chair); Michele Gammal

Others Present: Tim Maxham; Brooke Scott; Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)


6:00 PM – D. Roy called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

Not at this time.


Old Business

  1. Confirm plans for September 11, 2024 public meeting at Worthen Library: Roy has confirmed that the library is available for the 6:30 meeting. There was discussion about how to properly explain the full scope of the meeting in a letter being mailed to South St. residents inviting them to the meeting.  The Commission wants to stress safety, access, and connectivity.  M. Gammal will place an announcement in both the Islander and Front Porch Forum.  Only South St. residents who live between RT 2 and the school will receive a mailed invitation, but all those interested are invited to attend.  D. Bedard received a map from NRPC of existing sidewalks and their condition along RT 2 in South Hero Village.  He will try to get a map of South St. to the school, showing lot boundaries.  Both maps will be enlarged to poster size for use at the meeting.


New Business

  1. New PC candidate: Brooke D. Scott attended the meeting to meet the Commission members.  Brooke is a lifelong resident of South Hero and grew up on West Shore Rd.  He has worked for small businesses here and expressed an interest in becoming more involved in his community.  He told the Commission that he has had an opportunity to travel extensively in eastern Europe (primarily in Ukraine) and has gained a perspective of what can work here that he has seen elsewhere.  The Board agreed to recommend that the Selectboard appoint Brooke to finish the term of previously retired member Sandy Gregg, slated to end on June 30, 2026.
  2. 2024 Rules of Procedure: The Commission members each signed the 2024 Rules of Procedure. There were no changes from last year’s document.





Approve Meeting Minutes

  1. Gammal moved to approve the minutes of August 7, 2024; D. Bedard second. All in favor.


Administrator’s Report

Martha Taylor-Varney reported that Northwest Regional Planning’s Zoning Roundtable, originally scheduled for August 15 (via Zoom), was postponed to an as-yet-announced date in September.  The rescheduled meeting may be in person, with a Zoom option.  Martha hopes so.



  1. Meeting house – no updates.
  2. Town Office Committee – an RFP was submitted on Friday, August 16. There will be a site walk-through on September 19.  Roy said that bids are already being received.
  3. Town Salt Shed – Tim Maxham told the Commission that the Selectboard accepted a bid by Millbrook Construction to put the roof on the salt shed. A contract was signed on Monday, 8/19.  Millbrook anticipates finishing construction by the end of October of this year.


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be the Commission’s special meeting on September 11 at 6:30PM at Worthen Library. There will be no regular meetings (first and third Wednesday of the month) for the month of September.  The next regular meeting will be October 2 at 6PM.


6:58PM – D. Bedard moved to adjourn; M. Gammal second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed; _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.