
June 3, 2024 OSHMH Minutes

Town of South Hero

Meeting House – Preserve & Revitalize Project

Date: MONDAY, June 3, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM In person at Town Office or via Zoom
Attendees: David Carter-Chair, Michael Carroll, Pamela Surprenant, Mary Harwood, Beth Curtis,
Carol Tremble, Sandy Gregg, &.
Absent: Sarah Kjelleren, Linda Seavey, Terry Robinson, Jenna Lapachinski-Preservation Trust VT
Public: Rebecca Arnold-Arnold & Scangas Architects
Called to order at 3:03 by David C.
Financial Report: Do we have enough funds to do Phase #1?
$100,000 Bruhn Grant – reimbursement type
$100,000 ARPA Funds – Town Funds
$150,000 1x Taxpayer-raised 1922
$ 20,000 Vt Historic Preservation Grant – Timber-Framing – Reimbursement type
$ 30,000 South Hero Foundation Grant – Cash
$ 400,000 – Phase #1 Fund raising to continue throughout the entire project.
2. Grant Status. Mary H. reported.
Welch’s Office: Save America’s Treasures – Congressional Discretionary Spending (CDS) pending for
$400,000. Should hear any day now if we made it over the first of several hurdles to get this funding.
Northern Borders – Catalyst Grant for $500,000 pending. Should hear by end of June.
3. Champlain Farmers’ Market Schedule: Sandy G. reported we are scheduled to ‘table’ on
Wednesday at St. Rose’s; 7/10, 7/31, 8/14, hours 3-6 PM. Will use Mary’s tent. Pamela S. and
Sandy G. to be present to chat with folks. Anyone else who can help would be greatly
4. Publicity Articles & Business Plan:
Ask Terry Robinson for very short article about the history of the building. SG will ask Terry.
Biz Plan still being worked on by Sandy G. A SCORE template is being modified to suit the project. A
lot of research has been done and more is needed. This is being done with volunteer time so
patience is appreciated.
5. Architect Issues: Rebecca A. reported:
• KAS installed the gas-reading pins Wed 5/29/24. Pin readings will be collected by Wyatt-KAS on
Wed 6/5/24. Thank you to Granny’s Attic for providing access to the building on these 2 dates.
• Rebecca provided a Project hand-out dated 5/31/24. Michael will share with the Build Committee.
• Rebecca will check on the what we have as the cost of Phase #1. This figure will be confirmed at
our next meeting. David C. stated we must be comfortable with the funds needed to finish Phase
#1. Michael C. will check with Miles about estimated cost of asbestos removal. This will be a
separate contract directly with the Town as it is not included under Scope of Work to be done by
• Historic doors: Sandy G. will ask Preservation Trust VT about sourcing and report back at next
• 100% Construction Docs needed by June 30th.
• Accessing GEARS is an issue. Sue A-Town Admin will need to contact Monica-KAS to talk about
updating (see Monica’s email):

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Begin email:
HI All,

This is the email I received from Monica at KAS. She can input the information in GEARS; she just
needs the information. She is also asking for documents that I don’t have. I have responded to the
questions she had on the scope of work for the project.

Please let me know how you want me to respond to her.


Rebecca Arnold, AIA
Arnold & Scangas Architects
The Loft at One Federal
1 Federal Street, Suite 201
PO Box 135
St. Albans, VT  05478-0135
P 802-782-8241
C 802-734-1402

From: Monica Ladago [ mailto:[email protected] ]
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2024 12:11 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Leah Amerine < [email protected] >
Subject: Old White Meeting House Environmental Review

Hi Rebecca,

I am wrapping up the field work for the Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and starting the environmental
review for the Old White Meeting House. I just looked in GEARS (the online database used to track the project)
and it still looks like nothing has been filled out for the ‘Determining the Level of Environmental Review’
section. I am not sure who would fill this out for the project on the Town of South Hero’s end. I can input the
information into the form, but I would need to be provided with the information. Below are screenshots of the
information that I will need:  Complete Minutes with Screenshots noted Here:  OSHMH Minutes 6-3-2024

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Did you come to a conclusion about the plans with the Paul Bruhn grant and were there any updated site plans
or project descriptions? From my notes, the environmental review is for Phase I and Phase II of the project and
will not include the addition (Phase III) of the project. You had mentioned calling the project phases something
else or potentially organizing the project in a different way, did that happen? I just want to make sure we are
referring to the project in the same way. Just to make sure I am completing the review on the correct work
scope; I have attached a copy of the Outline of Work document dated 8/31/22 and highlighted the items that I
understand to be included in the work scope. Please let me know if anything has changed or is incorrect.

Additionally, in the Historic Preservation Report prepared by Lyssa Papazian on September 21, 2023, that you
sent me says that the Town of South Hero submitted a Section 106 Preliminary Review form to the VCDP on
October 15, 2019. Can you send me the following documents:
1 Section 106 Preliminary Review Form , October 15, 2019
2 Determination of Eligibility Request with concurrence, February 7, 2022

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Monica (Beers) Ladago

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Project Scientist  |  [email protected]
589 Avenue D, Suite 10  |  Williston, VT 05495   |  802 383 0486 (ext. 109) p  |  802 383 0490 f
End email
• Leslie Carter’s plan for new Town Office site was briefly discussed regarding impact on Meeting
House Project. Sandy G. will email Leslie’s plan to Rebecca.
• Rebecca A. stated the Town Park plan will need to included when the Meeting House final Docs are
submitted as it provides parking for Handicap spaces and sidewalk access. The Town has $135,000
of ARPA funds to go towards parking for 65-75 space and suitable wheelchair access to the
Meeting House (may be temporary until final Town Office project is completed and final sidewalks
are done.
6. Archeological Report: Jenna Lapachinski was not present but had provided the following email:
Begin email:
Sandy and Mary,
I don’t have an official update from NPS or DHP, but there have been a few email exchanges, which
is a positive development.
I know that this is taking longer than expected, but my initial inclination is that the Bruhn funding is not
going to require an archeological resource assessment.
However, it would be helpful to know the cost of an assessment, as PTV may be able to support that
piece of planning through other channels. Completing the assessment also removes the question
mark that has been hanging over the project; you could just move forward with the report and have it
in hand should you need it.
I also wanted to let you know that I now have a standing meeting on Mondays at 3:00 pm, which
conflicts with the committee meetings. If you need me to call into a meeting to chime in on a specific
question, I can do that, I just need to know in advance so I can move things around.
Did you get an update on the CDS request? I am also keeping my fingers crossed for the NBRC
announcements later this month.
Thanks so much,
Jenna Lapachinski
Field Services
Preservation Trust of Vermont
90 Main Street, Suite 304
Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 552-0659
[email protected]
End email.

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7. Building Committee Report: Michael C. -no report at this time. Waiting for 100% Architect Docs.
Need to refine the estimate Phase #1 and Phase #2.
8. Granny’s Status:
• Beth C. reported the Granny’s are in discussion with CIDER about partnering for the future. Robin
Way is instrumental in this negotiation.
• David C. reported he had given the Selectboard a draft letter to the Grannies providing written
notice of 180 days to vacate. Anne Z. is editing the letter and it will be on the SB agenda at their
next meeting. Date to vacate the building is by Thanksgiving. The Red building will be available to
use until such time the Town determines it needs to be demolished.
9. Old Business: Determine the name of the project to use on all contracts. Decide between:
• Old White Meeting House (OWMH)
• South Hero Meeting House (SHMH)
• 1816 South Hero Meeting House (1816SHMH)
10. Next Meeting – Monday, July 1,2024 at 3:00 PM at the Town Office & by Zoom (Town needs to
set this up).
11. Adjourned at 4:13 PM Motion by Sandy G. and seconded by Mary H., vote was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Gregg, Scribe