
July 12, 2024 Rec. Comm. Agenda

South Hero Recreation Commission Meeting
Agenda for June 12, 2024
Zoom Meeting

Topic: SHRC Monthly Zoom Meeting
Time: June 12, 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 825 4148 7658

1.    Call to order
2.    Adjustments to the agenda
3.    Acknowledgment of previous meeting minutes
4.    Public Q&A and Updates
5.    Discussion Items
 Updates from Town Select Board at last meeting – Sue (if any)
 23/24 budget update – Jessica
 Trail updates – Any updates from Guy, Grant update. Guy and Dillan on the
project team to coordinate construction.
 Cheddar App review – Dylan if available
 Town Beach – Phil
o Clean up completed.
o Fence replacement completed
o Port-o-lets
o Parking attendants
 Ski program updates if any.
 Trails sub-committee – we still need volunteers for an actual subcommittee. Any
updates from Guy including Grant update. Guy and Dillan on the project team to
coordinate construction.
 Learn to sail certificates – Burlington Sailing Center
 Yogi Baseball / Softball Registration – Dylan
 Summer Volleyball – start dates, announcements
 Try-Athlon – Jessica
 Other SHRC sponsored summer activity dates – all
 Miscellaneous / open discussion
6.   Agenda Items for the June meeting
7.   Summary of action items from this meeting
8.   Adjournment