2019 Municipal Planning Grant – Old White Meeting House
Minutes from January 15, 2019
Committee Members Present: Ross Brown, David Carter-Chair, Peg Clark, Sandy Gregg,
Bridget Kerr, Carol Nedde, Terry Robinson, Carol Tremble, Taylor Newton-NRPC, Mary
Harwood-Harwood Consulting, Shannon Turgeon-NRPC
Committee Members Absent: Bev Blakely, Bret Corbin
1. Call to Order at 5:00 pm by Chair David Carter
2. Introductions all around
3. General discussion of the committee’s purpose included the following topics: history &
aesthetics of the building, responsibility to collect community member opinions, structural
issues, levels of rehab, costs, possible future uses, and limitations of the current building.
4. Taylor Newton explained the timeline starting with an end of May “Kick-Off Meeting” that the
public will be encouraged to attend. This Kick-Off will include a site visit to see the inside of
the entire building as many folks have not had that opportunity. Taylor will facilitate two
(2)public outreach sessions to gather community thoughts, ideas and visions for the
building. NRPC will assemble the final report to be presented to the Selectboard. The report
will include Committee recommendations.
5. Mary Harwood explained her part overseeing the creation, distribution, and analysis of the
Community Questionnaire Survey. It will be mailed early summer to all taxpayers. Shannon
will be available to help Mary.
6. Engineering Ventures will begin their analysis in February. Sandy Gregg will coordinate their
access to the building and determine a reasonable date for their final report. Note: ADA
feasibility will be part of their analysis.
7. Next Meeting: January 29, 5-6 pm Town Office
Mary will lead discussion on creating the questions for the community survey
8. Meeting Adjourned at 6:05 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Gregg