
September 9, 2024 OSHMH Minutes

Town of South Hero

Meeting House – Preserve & Revitalize Project

Date: MONDAY, September 9, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM In person at Town Office or via Zoom
Attendees: David Carter-Chair, Michael Carroll, Pamela Surprenant, Mary Harwood, Sandy Gregg,
Rebecca Arnold-Arnold & Scangas Architects, Jeremy Roberts-KAS (via ZOOM)
Absent: Sarah Kjelleren, Terry Robinson, Beth Curtis, Carol Tremble, Jenna Lapachinski-
Preservation Trust VT
Public: None
Called to order at 3:05 by David C.
Architect’s Report: Rebecca Arnold – Arnold & Scangas Architects, Inc. (A&S) reported
Rebecca presented the 75% plans to the group. Many pages of architectural plans were reviewed
and a couple corrections noted by both Rebecca & Michael C..
Michael C. will keep the plans with him and call a meeting of the Build Group to review the plans.
Michael C. will email the pdf of the plans to the Town Clerk in order that more large-format copies can
be made.
Rebecca reminded the group: Contract 1 = Bruhn Grant work; Contract 2 = Exterior work; Contract 3
= Interior work (weatherization, HVAC, finishes etc.)
Rebecca A. also presented the updated Scope of work document dated August 30,2024.
Michael C. will forward this document to his Build Group as well.
• Jeremy Roberts-KAS joined via ZOOM
Question from Michael C.: why did it take this long to hear about the lead?
Reply from Jeremy R.: Phase I ER (Environmental Review) was the interior and potential concerns. It
was only the Phase II ER that took soil samples that revealed the high lead content that triggered the
requirement to notify the State.
Question from Michael C.: What are the next steps?
Reply from Jeremy R.: The State should get back to KAS & the Town within the next 2 weeks.
Depending on that letter the Town may be required to do further soil test samplings/data collection.
(most likely between a depth of 0-18”). KAS to report those findings to the State & Town, wait 2 weeks
for the State to reply. Possible action could then require a Plan of Action ( or WorkPlan) for
Remediation with Scope of Work description and timeframe for work to be completed.
Since this is outside the framework of the building itself this outside-soil lead remediation can take
place before actual building construction begins.
Michael C. will contact Catamount Environmental and another possible vendor to get soil-lead
remediation estimates for the work.
Sandy G. asked what is the expected time frame for all of this to happen?
Jeremy R. replied:
KAS & Town to hear from State within next 2 weeks.
Depending on the State letter the project may require a 2nd round of testing (KAS)
A Workplan (KAS) will need to be created – allow 1 -2 month for KAS to collect 2nd round of
soil data, create Workplan.and submit to the State.
2nd State Review of test results & Workplan – allow 1-2 months
Sandy G. reported: Funding Soil Lead Abatement: In the meantime Brownfields funding, through
grants, can begin with Greta Brunswick guiding the Town/Sue Arguin, Michael C., and Sandy Gregg
through the application process.
• Eligibility Form &

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• Northwest Region Brownfields Program Project Application (Part B) have been received by the
Town/Sue A. & Sandy G.
• Goal to complete these 2 forms is Sept 18 at the very latest. Note: Sandy G. will begin to fill
out the forms and set date to meet with Sue A. to complete.
• Town must be enrolled in BRELLA Program to apply for funding. Greta will help Sue A.
with this application. Task: set date for completion.
National Park Service (NPS) Review Status – Jenna Lapachinski-Preservation Trust Vermont
Jenna was not present, however, she communicated that the 75% plans and revised scope of
work was submitted to the NPS today! Since the NPS has been asking her about when the
plans would be submitted Jenna feels the turn-around time will be very reasonable.
Financial Report: Kim Julow-Town Treasurer – No report
Grant Status: Mary H. reported we are in wait mode.
Foundation Report: Fund-raising continues. $49,973 in the account as of today.
Publicity & tabling: 1/4 page ad will go into The Islander. A couple good contacts made while
tabling outside the Meeting Houses on Saturday mornings.
Old Business: Grannies will be attending the SB meeting tonight to present a plan for use of the Red
building and storage of goods.
New Business: Covered above (Brownfields)
Next Meeting: Monday, Sept 23,2024 at 3:00 PM at Town Office Meeting Room (confirmed)
Adjourned at 4:20 PM: Motion to adjourn by David C., second by Sandy G., vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Gregg, Scribe