
Sept. 30, 2021 BCA Minutes

Town of South Hero
Board of Civil Authority Voter Checklist Review Meeting
Thursday September 30, 2021 6 pm
BCA Members present: David Carter -BCA Chair/Select Board Chair/JP, Skip Brown -Select Board, Chuck Hulse -Select Board, Mary Jane Wirsing -JP, Kim Julow -Town Clerk/Treasurer, Naomi King -Assistant Clerk/JP
Meeting called to order: by the Chair and turned over to the Town Clerk at 6:04 pm
Adjustments to the Agenda: none
Voter Checklist Review: the checklist was circulated and read. People who no longer reside in town were flagged to receive challenge letters.
Skip moved to authorize the Town Clerk to send challenge letters on behalf of the BCA. Chuck seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.
David moved to authorize the Town Clerk to purge challenged, no vote, no responses after 2 general elections for 2021 or as needed on behalf of the BCA. Skip seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.
Adjournment: Naomi moved to adjourn. Skip seconded. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 7:04 pm.