
Sept. 19, 2023 Cons. Comm. Minutes

Conservation Commission Meeting
Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 6:30 P.M.
at the South Hero Worthen Library
(In-person only)

Members attending: Bob Fireovid, Cynthia Kelley, Bridget Kerr, Mark Naud, Cristin Lemieux (via
phone), and Dave Hobbs.

1. Call to Order – Bridget called the meeting to order at 6:35p.
Annual Meeting, Election of Chairperson –
Bob nominated Bridget to continue as Chair, Cristin 2d. Unanimous approval.
Cynthia nominated Cristin Lemieux Pullis for Vice-chair, Bridget 2d. Unanimous
Cynthia nominated Mark as Clerk; Bridget 2d. Unanimous approval.
Cynthia nominated Bob as Treasurer; Cristin 2d. Unanimous approval.
2. Organization of the Conservation Commission – Discussion regarding meeting space,
Worthen Library v. Town Hall, and whether to always include Zoom as an option.
Logistically moving the technological systems to Worthen is a bit of additional effort;
and Worthen is a nicer setting. The Commission’s consensus is to use the Town Hall and
use Zoom for future meetings. Bridget will coordinate the change with Keegan and
Naomi or Sue Arguin at the Town Hall. Bridget inquired about a Commission e-mail
within the Town’s system. She will inquire as the Town decides how to utilize such
emails for the various boards, commissions, or departments. Bridget and Cristin
discussed the efforts for a draft Facebook page, which also requires an email, which is
an agenda item for discussion with the Selectboard.
3. Finalize the Agenda – No changes.
4. Annual Meeting, Appointments, Procedures, Bylaws – Bridget inquired whether there
was any clear guidance on roles and responsibilities for speaking for the Commission,
i.e. is the Chair the voice for the Commission, do other members defer to the Chair for

any public information? Mark will look into whether there is specific language from
other organizations.
5. Public Input (items not on the agenda) – No public attendees. Bridget relayed that Emily
Alger, SHLT, is interested in discussing collaboration as we develop our work plan.
6. CC Work Plan – Bridget discussed the creation of a work plan, and follow up from Jens
presentation of the Community Values Mapping Event. Critical is the poster and the
engagement of the public, as allies, for moving forward with any work planning. An
inventory of the natural resources of the town is at the top of the list. Mark offered to
work with SHLT and GI NRCD to do a preliminary assessment of what is available and
look for gaps that might be filled. Cynthia noted that there are other groups working on
forest issues (emerald ash borer impacts, reforestation, etc. Bridget will update on what
the Town Plan specifically noted for work of the Conservation Commission. Dave offered
to help with the preliminary assessment for the inventory work, and look at specifically
where gaps of knowledge are that should be identified.
7. Upcoming Trainings, Workshops, Memberships – The Commission agreed that we
should join the AVCC for the next calendar year and plan for upcoming meetings or
trainings. Bridget noted for Cristin to do the online ethics training the state provides.
There doesn’t appear to be updates on the annual summit; Cristin will inquire directly.
8. Approve minutes from August 15 meeting – Bob moved for approval, Cristin 2d. and
noted that her legal name “Pullis” be added as appropriate.
9. Preparation for Next Meeting – October 17 th at Town Hall 6:30p. Zoom link will be
identified. Inventory follow up and organizational issues with Town Plan.
10. Adjourn – Mark moved to adjourn, Bob 2d. Meeting was adjourned at 8:05p.