
Recreation commission Meeting minutes for July 8th, 2021

Recreation commission Meeting minutes for July 8th, 2021
Attendees: Linda Burger, Carol Tremble, Chuck Hulse, Marion Palermo, Dyllon?
Previous meeting minutes were acknowledged by the group
No adjustments to the agenda
Old business:
Survey results of town residents deferred to September meeting
There are a couple of waiver drafts floating around; Carol brought a copy of the one she utilized for the bike ride yesterday, it came from Colchester town recreation; we would like it adapted to meet the needs of all town recreation events; Carol will make changes and send a new draft to Linda to review; and bring to our next meeting for final approval.
Carol reports that the first bike ride was a great success and she wants to do a second ride event later in July. Date set for July 21st and they will ride to Plattsburgh, Recreation commission will pay cost of ferry; Carol noted that only boys signed up for the first ride;
Hikes and rambles no report from trails subcommittee;
Boater safety program planning by Phil Scott, who could not attend d/t technical difficulties with zoom; Chuck will contact Phil regarding plans for the program
Local Swim program planning became stalled d/t changes in requirements for instructors by the select board; Reagan Henry volunteered to teach, she is insured however, there is a question if she is self-insured; need information from Dave Hobbs to move forward; Chuck Hulse will contact Dave regarding status of the program. In the meantime, anyone who wants swim lessons for their children are being sent to North Hero, or other surrounding towns.
Dyllon is here tonight to request funding for Island Little League, to replace batting cage netting and pitching screen; for $750.00. He is aware of other funds still available and will contact Chuck if there are other expenses that need to be covered. The voting members of the commission agree that funds should be approved for these expenses.
Triathlon was on hold earlier in the year, but the majority of present members would like to move forward with doing the activity in August. Suggested date for the event is August 22nd. Linda will contact Dave Hobbs to locate equipment that is utilized on the day of the event and the specifics of age grouping utilized in the past, a special meeting will be scheduled within 1 month of the event to finalize planning.
Discussion about other suggestions from the survey one of which was fishing lessons, Carol volunteered her Husband Roland to teach a fly fishing class for children and adults. Carol will let us know when and where the event will be after discussing it with Roland.
Beach report: Chuck along with Linda Burger has been monitoring the beach and the utilization of the security for park attendants at White’s beach for the past month on weekends and holidays; vandalism of signs has lessened, however, there was one sign broken off that identifies the emergency access area, in recent weeks. The post of the sign was literally broken off and removed. A new sign has been ordered and the broken post will be replaced. Since the painting of parking spaces and the communication to community members about options for parking and access to parking passes for town residents by the park attendants there has been gradual increase in compliance and very little pushback or resistance by park goers; as of this day 500 park passes have been purchased by town residents; feedback from neighbors of the park has been very positive as well; special thanks to Carol for taking care of the porta potty issues at the beach.
Further discussion on suggestions for how to utilize funds for improvement of recreational experiences elicited feedback about upgrading fields for soccer, also possible skating rink for winter activity; Carol suggested improved bike trail condition just north of the ferry, looking overgrown along edges, and she will contact someone at locomotion to suggest that work be done; looking toward possible future funding from the state, recommendations proposed were for a bike park, and a playground area for children under the age of 5yrs old.
Election of officer’s: will be deferred until Chuck has an opportunity to speak directly with Dave Hobbs
And make the recommendation for new members of the committee to the select board; all current members agree that we should have Marion, Jess, and Dyllon join the commission. The commitment is for 3 yrs which will end in November 2023.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm
Meeting minutes submitted by Linda Burger