
Rec. Comm./Trails Sub-committee minutes June 10, 2021

South Hero Trails Subcommittee
June 10, 7 pm
Location – Town Beach

Present: David Hobbs, Phil Scott, Neal Blanchard, Bridget Kerr, Chuck Hulse,
Pogo Senior, Guy Maguire, Jessica Jackson

Public input – none

Trail status and updates:

1. Knee Deep Bay – Pogo has been working on the trail. There is a foot bridge over the ravine. Discussed if the trail should have markers and possibility of bike racks at East Shore Road side of trail. Per the settlement agreement, the trail can not be advertise or published.

2. Keeler Bay Park – Susan Ryan has been working on clearing the trail. Dave mowed the first part of the trail. Paperwork is being processed by Guy for the development of the trail. A Shoreline Jurisdictional letter needs to be submitted. Parking considerations in process.
3. Robinson’s Trail – Still trying to located the southern boundary. Conversations with neighbors continue regarding alternative paths.

4. Lavin Property Trail – No new developments.

5. Recreation Park Trail – A grant has been received to develop a permanent storybook project along the trail. A few of the boards on the boardwalk need to be replaced.

6. Allen Point Trail – Under the control of VT Fish and Wildlife.

7. Landon Connector Trail – Dave Hobbs and Jack Brooks mowed the trail.

8. Round Pond Trails – State has plans to improve the trails at Round Pond sometime in the future. Craig Odell mowed the trails.

9. Tracy Woods – No new developments. Garlic mustard removal project has been underway.

10. Roy Marsh / Rail Trail – Chuck has been clearing sides of the trail. A work party is probably needed for some of the more overgrown areas. Dave Hobbs reviewed the management plan agreement that states that allows for upgrades to the trail can be conducted until 2022. “Pot holes” need to be filled in.

Submitted: Chuck Hulse