
October 9, 2023 Minutes

Selectboard Minutes
Selectboard Meeting, October 9th, 2023, at 7:00PM
At South Hero Town Hall and via Zoom

Board Members Present: David Carter/Chairman, Ross Brown/V. Chair, Chuck Hulse, Anne Zolotas(via zoom).
Board Members Not Present: Skip Brown
Others Present: Sandy Gregg, Tim Maxham, Martha Taylor-Varney, Michelle Gammal, Russ Stratton, Cindy Gokey, Sherry Corbin, James Jones, Stephen Hilfiker (via zoom), Susan Arguin
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chair, Dave Carter at 7:00PM.
2. Acknowledgement of minutes for 09-25-2023 : Motion by Chuck Hulse to accept & 2nd by Ross.
3. Adjustment to Agenda: Stephen Hilfiker from VHB was there via zoom to give an update on the Landfill Testing.
4. Public Input: None
5. New Business:
A. Russ Stratton was present to introduce himself and ask to be appointed to fill the vacant lister position. Along with him were the two listers, Sherry Corbin & Cindy Gokey to recommend him for the position. Russ has a background working with computers and little experience in real estate and building. Ross Brown motioned to approve his appt. and Chuck Hulse seconded.
B. Discussion about when budgets would be happening led the board to agree starting them October 23rd, November 13th & 27th and last December 11th, 2023. Sue Arguin and Martha Taylor Varney agreed to start scheduling departments and others for those meetings.
C. Discussion on the Featherbed Lane/AIR Campground Grant the board learned that the AOT wanted to know for sure if we would be moving forward with this grant because we had turned down the Sidewalk Study Grant this past summer. AOT had said they were able to waive the $1500 fee for us backing out of the grant but really did not want it to happen again. The Board wanted more information as far as an estimate on how much it would cost to do the crosswalk, lighting and possibly sidewalks in that area before they are willing to commit to moving forward. The Board also thought it would be a good idea to reach out to the business owners down there, such as AIR and Pierre LaBlanc, to see if they were willing to participate financially with this project. Sue was asked to reach out to them.
D. Discussion on what the town can do on Rte. 2 without a Class 1 designation. There were many unanswered questions about this topic and about the PowerPoint that was done by AOT on September 20th. The Board requested more information in writing from AOT and wanted Sue Arguin/Town Administrator to follow up.
E. Stephen Hilfiker from VHB was there via zoom to give an update on what was happening with the Landfill. Stephen said there was further monitoring of wells that was still to be done this month. In the past there was an issue with testing the wells due to the lack of rainwater and since this year we had so much it may be easier. Stephen shared a map (please see attached) with us about where the PFAS had been detected and costs associated with further testing. He said that there were 2 out of 10 detecting PFAS under the necessary amounts to need action. The Board said it was important to share all information with those homeowners.

6. Old and Ongoing Business: None
7. Reports from Zoning Administrator and Town Administrator:
A. Martha Taylor Varney/ZA- See attached report.
B. Susan Arguin/TA: Let the board know that the permit was granted for the Museum to hook the water up from Rte. 2.
8. Other Business & standing agenda items:
a. Sign Order(s): Ross Brown motioned to approve and sign payroll and Anne Zolotas 2nd.
b. Town Clerk/Treasurer Update: None
c. Recreation Update: None
d. Road Department: Ross Brown told everyone that the salt shed was moving along and had shown the estimate from Harrison Concrete to the board (please see attached). The Board voted to use the highway departments last year surplus of $500,000 plus to go towards finishing paying for the salt shed subject to acceptable bids for the roof and trusses. David made a motion to use the surplus for the salt shed until an acceptable bid is received and Ross seconded the motion.
e. Review next steps for Old South Hero Meeting House: None
f. Discuss ARPA funds: Not necessary.
g. Wastewater Committee: They were still waiting for the archaeologist to dig test pits. Peter Zamore was taking some time for health reasons so wouldn’t be available.
h. Review Town Office feasibility study: Ross Brown told everyone things were moving along and the next step was to hire a structural engineer to look at this building. The committee has reviewed images on this side of the street as well as the other to give everyone an idea of what it would look like on either side.
i. Executive Session: Not necessary.
9. Adjournment: Anne Zolotas made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Ross Brown seconded. It was 8:30PM.

Respectfully submitted,​​​Approved by
Susan Arguin, Town Administrator​​David Carter, Chair