
October 23, 2023 Minutes

Selectboard Minutes

Selectboard Meeting, October 23rd, 2023, at 7:00PM
At South Hero Town Hall and via Zoom

Board Members Present: David Carter/Chairman, Ross Brown/V. Chair, Chuck Hulse, Anne Zolotas (via
Board Members Not Present: Skip Brown
Others Present: Martha Taylor-Varney (via zoom), Michelle Gammal, Sandy Gregg & Ron Phelps, James
Jones from LCAVT, Michael Frett from Islander, Ray Allen from Sheriff’s Department & Susan Arguin
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chair, Dave Carter at 7:00PM.
2. Acknowledgement of minutes for 10/09/2023: Motion by Ross Brown to accept & 2 nd by
Chuck Hulse.
3. Adjustment to Agenda: None
4. Public Input: None
5. New Business:
A. Sheriff Ray Allen was there to request money for the next 24/25 budget year. He also
added that despite the crime in nearby areas, we have been lucky and haven’t seen any.
Speed limit is still a focus. He said his department would like to find another full-time
employee due to the fact one will be leaving soon.
B. Sandy Gregg from the Planning Commission was there to talk about their budget request.
After learning that their budget last year was $1250, she thought increasing it $300 for a
total of $1550 would help in costs for mailings to residents of South Street about possibly
installing new sidewalks. Sandy said that the Planning Commission was strongly focusing
on Pedestrian Safety and requested there could be another line added in the budget for
capital improvements for sidewalks in the amount of $20,000. It would be the start to
save for when the time came to build them.
C. Sue Arguin/Town Administrator presented a Grant Opportunity- 2024 Municipal Park
and Ride Grant Program. It would be for the park and ride off Rte. 2. The costs to pave
that parking lot and add striping would be approximately $45,000 and with this grant
there is a 20% local share. The Board did not think it was necessary at this time since
that park and ride is hardly used.
D. Mark Naud from the Conservation Commission was not present but there was still a
short discussion about a Town Facebook page and each committee/commission having
their own email address. The Board did not feel a Facebook page was necessary and
thought a lot of the information is already on our website. Martha mentioned that there
was a cost associated with having their own email address. The discussion was put on
hold until Mark Naud or someone from the Conservation Commission was able to attend.
6. Old and Ongoing Business: None
7. Reports from Zoning Administrator and Town Administrator:

A. Martha Taylor Varney/ZA- See attached report.
B. Susan Arguin/TA: Asked the Board when they would like to go through the other budget
requests. The board wanted them all emailed to them, so they had plenty of time to look
over before the next meeting.
8. Other Business & standing agenda items:
a. Sign Order(s): Ross Brown motioned to approve and sign orders and Chuck Hulse 2 nd .
Ross Brown made a motion to approve and sign payroll and Chuck seconded.
b. Town Clerk/Treasurer Update: None
c. Recreation Update: None
d. Road Department: Ross Brown wanted to make a public statement about our Highway
Department with how well they are doing getting everything in place for the salt shed.
It’s moving along nicely.
e. Review next steps for Old South Hero Meeting House: None
f. Discuss ARPA funds: Chuck Hulse wanted to remind the Board that the rescue
department would be purchasing items for the ambulance and would have a letter
requesting money from the ARPA funds. Ross Brown mentioned the museum and that
money would also be needed for insulating that building.
g. Wastewater Committee: None
h. Review Town Office feasibility study: Ross Brown told everyone that the Structural
Engineer is Bob Neil, and he would be coming out soon to do a thorough inspection to
confirm this building cannot be saved and if it can how much it costs.
i. David Carter discussed the Col Allen Road agreement for the town to continue allowing
the school bus to use the road and to safely turn around in. This would also include
plowing, sanding, and applying salt in the winter. Ross made a motion to agree and sign
the agreement and Chuck seconded. Martha mentioned that this road is private and
Jude Lively owes it.
j. David Carter mentioned that the Christmas Light Parade was scheduled for December
16 th this year.
k. Executive Session: Not necessary.
9. Adjournment: Chuck made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Ross Brown seconded. It
was 8:00PM.

Respectfully submitted,                                       Approved by
___________________________ ___________________________
Susan Arguin, Town Administrator                  David Carter, Chair

October 23, 2023 ZA’s report to the SB
1. Two new private roads were approved as part of a 9-lot subdivision submitted by Dean
and Kathy Henry to the DRB. A Selectboard public hearing to approve the proposed
names is scheduled for November 13, with the Board’s approval.
2. I will be out of the office the week of November 13. I will have all the information
needed for the SB public hearing prepared before I leave.
Planning Commission
1. Sandy Gregg and I attended the webinar on Tuesday, Oct 17 at 9:30AM on the H.O.M.E.
Act. The changes to the review of 2-family dwellings (duplexes) that affects South Hero
are already in effect, and it is understood that the Selectboard will be able to adopt
those changes to our Development Regulations after the required public hearings.
However, there is some confusion about one part of the Act that appeared to state that
zoning bylaws in “rural towns” must be adopted by the legislative body (Selectboard)
and cannot be put to Australian ballot. I don’t know if this is limited only to only those
parts of the HOME Act or for all bylaw changes or additions. An interpretation from
VLCT still has not clarified this. The Planning Commission will need to follow up for a
better explanation.
Development Review Board
There are no hearings scheduled for the DRB this week. There will be a short meeting only to
approve minutes and close a hearing that had been recessed to Oct 25 from July 12. At this
point there are no hearings on the upcoming schedule. The Board will have only one regular
meeting in both November and December due to the holiday schedule.

Respectfully submitted,
Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA