
October 17, 2023 Cons. Comm. Minutes

Conservation Commission Meeting
Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 6:30 P.M.
at the South Hero Town Office
and via Zoom

Members: Bob Fireovid, Bridget Kerr, Mark Naud, Cristin Lemieux Pullis
Others attending: Emily Alger, SHLT
1) Call to Order – Bridget called the meeting to order at 6:35p
2) Finalize the Agenda – No changes.
3) Public Input (items not on the agenda) – Emily would like to be part of the work plan
4) Continued CC Work Plan Discussion
Current Town Plan Mention of Conservation Commission – Bridget reviewed the recently
adopted Town Plan for the items which specifically noted the Conservation Commission for
work planning.
Inventory of Inventories – Mark reached out to Emily and Guy at SHLT to assess what resources
may be available for the initial phase of inventory – what data already exists. Emily looked at
the Town of Hinesburg for their recent publicly posted NRI. There is a lot of existing data
available from federal or state resources, with layers that could be added to a South Hero
based inventory. SHLT is anticipating the acquisition of ESRI GIS software and believes it could
accomplish a Phase 1 review and build the initial map, and could share the costs of
approximately $3600 to work with the Commission to accomplish the Phase 1 component.
The CC and the SHLT could review the outline and include additional items if it deems
appropriate. Mark proposed that the CC consider the outline as a proposal and begin to build
support for the effort with the Planning Commission and Selectboard to approve a CC budget
that would include payment and reimbursement for the workplan. There was a discussion
regarding any commission approval without vetting a more complete proposal. Emily requested
that the Commission formally or informally request the SHLT develop a proposal for the Phase
Mark asked for a vote on whether the CC was interested in having an NRI completed by the end
of 2024 calendar year? Cristin seconded the question. Unanimous consent.
Mark moved that the Commission request that Mark and SHLT pursue a proposal for the next
meeting to achieve the NRI in the next year. Cristin 2d. Unanimous consent.
Emily will share the draft outline for consideration by members to refine the proposal for

Members’ Priorities/Passions – Mark clarified his comments regarding individual members’
interests/passions as compared with the community values expressed in the mapping event,
and that there was where our greatest support would be. Bridget shared that while she agrees
that the CC’s awareness of community values are truly important, she is also interested in
discussing member’s individual passions. Cristin noted community engagement and education,
and the inventory as important pieces. Bob noted unique ecosystems, and education and
public engagement, Mark noted his passion for the lake and the unique characteristics of the
island and shorelines, Bridget noted education and our unique places and spaces, and also our
walkability, amazing trails connectivity into the village, 30×30 conservation projects with state
(Lavin parcel, for instance), and public access.
5) Updates to CC Bylaws, Social Media Policy – Bridget shared a Barre town policy for us to
consider, and noted that the Town Administrator is bringing the issue up at the Selectboard
meeting on Oct. 23rd. The commission members generally agreed that this issue is
organizational and not personal, and we should move forward with a Gmail address and
FaceBook page. Mark will try to attend and speak to the issue at the Oct. 23rd. Selectboard
meeting. Bridget will share the Barre Town social media policy with the Town Administrator.
6) Current CC Budget – Bob shared an updated account statement of the Conservation
Commission for FY 2023-24. Cristin offered some ideas on utilizing some of the funds for
education of the Commission, and for consideration at the next meeting. The AVCC fees are due
for Jan.1, 2024.
7) AVCC Virtual Summit (Oct. 19) – Virtual meeting of 1-hour summit rather than the
typical all-day event in Lake Morey.
8) Approve minutes from September 19 meeting – Bob moved and Cristin 2d. Unanimous.
9) Preparation for Next Meeting – Nov. 21st. Discussion on NRI proposal and
budget/funding/fundraising and community engagement, social media policy, and updated
from AVCC.
10) Adjourn – Bridget adjourned the meeting at 8:05. Cristin moved, Bob 2d. Unanimous.