
October 10, 2023 Rec.Comm Minutes

South Hero Recreation Commission Meeting
Agenda October 10, 2023
Zoom Meeting
Members present: Philip Scott, Dylan Degree, Marian Palermo, Carol Tremble, Rosemary Zamore
1. Call to order 7:01
2. Adjustments to the agenda. Bike path clearing,
3. Acknowledgment of previous meeting minutes
4. Public Q&A and Updates
5. Discussion Items
. Path clearing on Causeway path bill from sharp cut was sent to town treasurer to be paid out of Rec Committee budget
· Installing swing at Town Beach – Installed by Cedar Ledge Builders in the past so phil to contact matt jensen to ask about installing the one presently at the town garage.
· Follow-up for Jeff Sikora and Peter Johnson – sledding hill at the corner of Town Line Road and Sweeney Farm Road and off-street parking to support.
· 22/23 Budget closed. 23/24 Budget review – David Lane will be at the next meeting.
· Town Park timeline – provided by email
· SHRC Winter Activities Planning. Skiing, Snow shoeing discussed setting up an event and publicizing the availability of catamount passes. Carol volunteered to look into setting up an event. Basketball report on the program given by Dylan
· Floating Dock discussed and decided to purchase it for next season
· Ski program. Customize computer programs. Cheddarup will be presented by Dylan.
· Fence repair review and costs discussed and decided to replace the fence with the ARPA funds with Phil volunteering to find a fencing company and get quotes.
. Beach fire rings discussed and Jessica will research costs to report at next meeting
· Swim Lessons – Carol reported that about 8 kids attended and liked the lessons at Hochelaga but it rained 2 out of the 5 days. Carol volunteered to ask kristen Bartle to join the rec committee and look into another way to deliver swim lessons to the town
. Basketball updates. Uniforms purchased. Buying warmup shirts paid out of Soccer budget.

6. Agenda Items for the November meeting- Fence repair, Trail updates, Boardwalk grant update, Host CPR workshop. Dylan follow up sledding hill, Dates for Skiing, Ask Jessica about fire rings,
7. Summary of 2022/2023 Rec Commission Activities
8. Adjournment 7:50