
November 29,2022 Cons. Comm. minutes

Conservation Commission
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 6:30 P.M.
In person at South Hero Town Office & via Zoom

Meeting Minutes

Members present: Bob Fireovid, Cynthia Kelley, Bridget Kerr, Mark Naud, Sue Straight
Members absent: Dave Hobbs
Public guests: Emily Alger, SHLT

1) Call to Order – Bridget Kerr called the meeting to order at 6:35p to follow up on a number of organizational items from the previous meeting. Zoom meeting was not fully functional.
2) Public Input (items not on the agenda) – Emily Alger noted that she would be logged in and is interested in the community values mapping event discussion.
3) Finalize the Agenda – Bob suggested shifting the budget discussion until after the community values mapping event so any event expenses could be considered.
4) CC Meeting Frequency – There was a discussion and acknowledgement from the past meeting presentation that most effective commissions meet monthly. Bob moved that the SHCC schedule monthly meetings. Sue 2d. Unanimous vote.
5) Conservation Commission Rules of Procedure & Bylaws – Mark Naud introduced draft Rules and Bylaws previously shared with the commission members and based on model rules and bylaws in the Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions (AVCC) handbook, and revised for the SHCC. The commission members went through the draft with minor revisions, including input from Dave Hobbs on proxy voting and quorum issues. Cynthia Kelley moved to adopt the draft Rules and Bylaws as revised by the members. Bob 2d. Unanimous vote. Members recognized that these are a first step and may be revised as the commission evolves.
6) Budget – Members discussed a small budget request of approximately $500.00 from the Selectboard to fund membership and attendance at the annual meeting of the AVCC, and minor event or public engagement expenses. Bob and Mark will inquire into other beginning conservation commissions initial budgets and expenses to project expenses for initial commission work.
7) Staggered Term Lengths – To be discussed at next meeting along with possible recruitment of 3 members.
8) Community Values Mapping Event – Members discussed the opportunity to engage the public with meaningful discussion on issues and goals for the town and for the commission’s work priorities. Perhaps a spring or summer event at the library, along with land trust and conservation district partners. Members agreed it’s a good goal for further discussion.
9) Code of Ethics – Mark suggested all members utilize the website and certification for the state code of ethics. He will follow up with login credentials for members to acces the site.
10) Approval of Minutes from November 15 meeting – Bob moved and Sue 2d approval of Nov. 15, 2022 minutes. Unanimous vote.
11) Preparation for Next Meeting – Next meeting December 20, 6:30p, Town offices.
Recurring meetings are set for 3d Tuesday every month with Zoom invite:
Meeting id: 872 9487 9112

Passcode: 500417

12) Adjourn – Meeting was adjourned at 8:20.