
November 11, 2018 Agenda

Selectboard Agenda
Regular Meeting of Monday November 12, 2018
South Hero Town Hall, at 7:00 PM

Jonathan Shaw, Chairman
David Carter – Sharon Roy
Anne Zolotas – Graham “Skip” Brown

1. Call to Order

2. Adjustment to Agenda, if necessary

3. Approval of Minutes
A. Meeting of October 22, 2018

4. Public Input

5. New Business
A. FY 2019/2020Budget requests:
-South Hero Road Department
-Grand Isle Sherriff Department
-South Hero Museum

6. Reports of Officers
A. Review written report from Administrative Assistant
B. Discuss Assistant for Zoning Administrator

7. Ongoing and Old Business
A. Discuss update on current tax appeal(s) including Evslin settlement
B. Discuss garbage sticker program
C. Discuss Health insurance options for Town employees

8. Announcements and Communications

9. Other Business
A. Sign order(s), if necessary
B. Appoint Recreation Commission Members
C. Work on FY 2019/2020 General Town Budget

10. Adjournment