
May 9, 2018 DRB Minuntes

SOUTH HERO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MINUTES                            MAY 9, 2018


Members Present: T. Maxham (Chair); D. Patterson (Vice-Chair); L. Kilcoyne; j. Brightwell (Alternate); R. Krebs (Alternate); R. Brown; N. Hayward

Public Present: Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)


7:04PM – T. Maxham called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Input

There was none.


Review and sign Felis Mylar (18-56-LR016)

The Board reviewed and approved the additional deferral language on the plat.  D. Patterson signed the Mylar for the Board.


Review of Minutes

  1. Krebs moved to accept the minutes of April 25, 2018; R. Brown second. All in favor.


Administrator’s Report

  1. There will be no meeting on May 23, 2018
  2. The next hearing is scheduled on June 13: Site plan and Conditional Use review for Blue Paddle Bistro.
  3. There was discussion on how to identify individual buildings in a PUD so they can be clearly located by emergency services in the event of an emergency. The location in this case is 260 US RT 2.
  4. The DRB will meet with the Planning Commission and Selectboard on Monday, June 4, 2018 at 7PM at the Town Office. This will be warned as a special meeting of the Planning Commission.


Adjournment and Deliberative

7:26PM – D. Patterson moved to adjourn and move to deliberative; J. Brightwell second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________

                              For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.