
May 22, 2024 DRB Minutes

SOUTH HERO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MINUTES                           May 22, 2024


Members Present: Tim Maxham (Chair); Doug Patterson (Vice-Chair); Mike Welch; Jim Brightwell; Liza Kilcoyne; Nate Hayward; Gareth Hunt; Ellie Reid (via Zoom); Tim Mullen (Via Zoom).

Others Present: Ron Gentile; Jill Hazen; Chris Guay; Joe Danis; Warren Steadman; Kim Lavery (via Zoom); and Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA).


7:00PM – T. Maxham called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Input

There was none.


3-Lot Minor Subdivision at 117 Station Rd. – Ron Gentile (24-68-SR117)

7:05PM — The warning was read and interested persons sworn in.  ZA Martha Taylor-Varney presented the application to the Board.

Mr. Gentile is proposing a 3-lot subdivision of the 83+/- acre Brent Hazen Trust parcel on the south side of Station Rd., in the Rural Residential zoning district.  The subdivision will create 2 building lots at the east end of the parcel, both sharing one access onto Station Rd.  Lot 1 is proposed to be 1.02 acres and Lot 2 will be 1.07 acres.  The remaining 81 acres is designated as Lot 3.  A 30-ft. wide right-of-way will cross along the west boundary of Lot 1 to provide access to Lot 2.  A power easement to Lot 2 will be within this ROW.  If the subdivision is approved, Mr. Gentile will purchase Lots 1 and 2 from the Brent Hazen Trust.

The State wastewater/potable water permit is for a 4BR single family home each on Lots 1 and 2.  Lot 3 is not proposed for further subdivision or development at this time, and no additional State permits have been proposed.  A shared septic mound for Lots 1 and 2 will be on Lot 2.  Each new lot will have its own drilled well.

The survey was produced in 2022 by Warren Robenstein.  Mr. Robenstein passed in February 2023, so no changes or corrections can be made to the survey plat.

  1. Welch moved to waive the requirement to show contours on the plat; D. Patterson second. All in favor.
  2. Hunt moved to waive the requirement to show underground power lines to each house from the closest utility pole; N. Hayward second. All in favor.

There was discussion about whether to require language in the deed for septic on Lot 2 to benefit Lot 1, and for power easements within the driveway right-of-way on Lot 1 to benefit Lot 2.

The zoning administrator conducted the administrative review and recommended that the Board approve the application.


7:41 PM – Chair T. Maxham closed the hearing.



2-Lot Minor Subdivision at 86 Featherbed Lane – Joseph Danis (24-73-FL086)

7:42PM – The warning was read and interested persons sworn in.  ZA Martha Taylor-Varney presented the application to the Board.

Joe Danis owns a 5.9-acre lot at 86 Featherbed Lane.  The lot is primarily in the rural residential zoning district, with a small portion in the northeast corner within the Shoreland zoning district.  Mr. Danis’ home and a small accessory structure are in the center of the property.  He proposes to subdivide the property to create a 1.46-acre building lot (Lot 5A) at the north end of the parcel.  The remaining 4.4 acres (Lot 5) will include his home and accessory structure.  The new lot will be entirely within the rural residential zoning district.

Power to the proposed 4BR home on Lot 5A will be underground from an existing pole across Featherbed Lane.  Test pits have been dug and the wastewater/potable water permit application is being prepared.  Although the Paradise Association provides water for several homes on Featherbed Lane, Lot 5A will have a drilled well.  The force main or the Paradise Association crosses both Lots 5 and proposed Lot 5A.  An electrical easement crosses a corner of Lot 5A but is outside the building envelope.

Neighbor Kim Lavery said that there was a vernal pool on the proposed new lot and asked what they planned to do.  Both Mr. Danis and Warren Steadman (previous owner of the Danis property) denied that there was any pooled water on the lot.

The Zoning Administrator conducted the administrative review on May 6, 2024 and recommended that the Board approve the application.


8:02 PM – Chair T. Maxham closed the hearing.


New Business

There was none.


Review of the May 8, 2024 Minutes

  1. Hunt moved to accept the minutes of May 8, 2024, with corrections; L. Kilcoyne second. All in favor.


Administrator’s Report

  1. Martha reminded the Board that the Spring Zoning and Planning Forum, sponsored by VLCT, will be on Thursday, May 30 from 9AM to noon. The forum will be virtual and will be available on the TV screen in the Town Office boardroom.  Discussion subjects are VT Superior Court – Environmental Division, and a wrap-up of the 2024 Legislative session.  Please let her know if you plan to attend.
  2. There will be no meeting on June 12. The next scheduled meeting ill be June 26 at 7PM at the Town Office.



  1. Hunt moved to adjourn and move to deliberative. L. Kilcoyne second. All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA




Signed: __________________________________________ Date: _______________________

For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.