
March 7, 2022 WW Minutes




  • Present were members Peter Zamore, Robert Bueurmann, Robert Krebs; also present were Mike Gammal, (a prospective member, Dea Devlin (NRPC), Greta Brunswick(NRPC), Robert Clark ( Otter Creek), and members of the community, Robert Firovoid.
  • The meeting was called to order by the chair at 4:30 pm.
  • Peter Zamore discussed the results of his presentation to the Selectboard. He noted that the contract with NRPC was approved and that new member, Nate Hayward was approved.
  • The committee discussed seeking two more members, Tonya Poutry and Andrea Champagne. It was noted that Mitchel Richardson would join the committee representing Tonya Poutry’s interest.
  • Two corrections to the minutes of the meeting of February 28, 2022, were acknowledged and the corrected minutes were approved by motion of Bob Krebs and seconded by Bob Buermann.
  • We then entered into a detailed discussion, with Robert Clark, of the Otter Creek contract for the feasibility study. The questions regarding the contract were raised and answered by Robert Clark. He noted that the contract covered both the feasibility study and the engineering report if the feasibility study yields positive results. Robert indicated that a kick-off for the community should be one of the first action items for the committee.
  • Greta raised the possibility of archeological findings, and it was left that if there were archaeological impacts, we would seek assistance from the UVM Archeology Department. Next Bob Krebs raised the issue as to whether we were under a time ”crunch”  Robert Clark assured us that they were ready to move ahead quickly, even without state approval. A motion was made to submit the Otter Creek Agreement to the State for review.
  • Robert Clark indicated that Otter Creek would undertake the first 30% of the project without any financial risk to the town, in order to get the project moving ahead.
  • Greta indicated that she would work with Martha and Kim Julow,

the town treasurer. to complete the grant application.

  • Bob Krebs was asked to be the liaison between the committee and Otter Creek and that all documents and questions should be channeled through him.
  • Greta also noted that she and Dea were building a web site for the project and that there will be a link on the town web site.
  • Finally, Bob Buermann to invite Mike Gammal and Mitchel Richardson as new members of the committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:47. The next meeting will be on March 14, 2022