
March 28, 2022 Wastewater Minutes

DRAFT March 28, 2022 Minutes DRAFT

Meeting held March 28, 2022 at 4:30pm via Zoom
Committee Members present: Peter Zamore, Ross Brown, Nate Hayward, Robert Buermann, Robert Krebs,, Mike Gammal, Mitchel Richardson
Committee Members excused: George Harwood
NRPC: Greta Brunswick and Dea Devlin
Vt Agency of Natural Resources: Lynnette Claudon (at 4:55)
Members of the Public: none

Peter Zamore called the zoom meeting to order at 4:30pm
1. Changes/Additions to the Agenda: none
2. Public Comment: none
3. Approval of March 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes:
Ross Brown made motion to accept minutes as presented, seconded by Bob Krebs. All in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

4. Otter Creek contract update:
Peter reported that Otter Creek (Robert Clark) has supplied a written commitment to work up to the 30% checkpoint while waiting for the formal contract approval process with the state to be completed.
Greta reported that the state (Lynette Claudon) has requested that the scope of work include a preliminary archaeological assessment prior to any test pits/soil disturbance takes place. Otter Creek is developing a cost estimate for this additional work.

5. Draft NRPC Website: South Hero Wastewater Feasibility Study
Peter reviewed the revised introductory paragraph. Attendees discussed the committee’s intention to the have the site accessed through the general town website.
Mitchel Richardson made a motion to accept the website with minor edits, seconded by Ross Brown. All in attendance so voted and the motion carried.
NRPC (Dea) will complete the minor edits and work to get the site live.

6. Outreach:
Attendees discussed potential avenues to publicize the wastewater study activity, including press release, Islander article(s), and direct mailing to landowners with-in the study area.
There will be different types of direct landowner interactions as the study progresses. One is with potential users of a wastewater system and another with potential owners of host sites for a wastewater system.
Peter and Greta will prepare a press release along with potential talking points for the committee members to use when asked about the study. Mitchel will discuss a potential article with the Islander.

7. Draft Landowner Survey:
Attendees reviewed and discussed the draft survey to be distributed to landowners with-in the study area (village zoning districts). Peter asked if it was necessary to ask about sources of potable water. Locations of private wells help to determine setbacks and exclusion areas for potential wastewater sites and distribution lines.
Intention is to allow landowners to respond either on-line or fill out a paper copy.
NRPC team will continue to work on the survey and estimate the cost to distribute and collect results.

8. Adjournment:
Next meeting will be Monday April 11, 2022 at 4:30.
Meeting Adjourned at 5:35

Respectfully submitted,