
March 21, 2023 Cons. Comm. Minutes

Conservation Commission
Tuesday, March 21 at 6:30 P.M.
South Hero Worthen Library Community Room

and via Zoom
Meeting Minutes

Members: Bob Fireovid, Dave Hobbs, Cynthia Kelley, Bridget Kerr, Mark Naud, Sue Straight
Others present: Emily Alger, SHLT; Sharyn Layfield, Grand Isle resident (Cons. Comm.
promoter); Jens Hilke, VT ANR; Todd Kelley.

Call to Order – Bridget called the meeting to order at 6:30p.
Finalize the Agenda – No changes proposed and majority of time will be granted to Jens for his
training discussion.
Public Input (items not on the agenda) – SHLT is co-hosting with NRCD’s for a community
gathering around Islands’ communities’ priorities for NRCS funding, on April 11 at 6:30p in the
North Hero Community Hall.
Jens Hilke, Conservation Planning Biologist with VT Fish & Wildlife, discussed Planning &
Facilitation and answered questions about the Conservation Commission’s Community Values
Mapping Events on Tuesday May 2d, @ Worthen Library and online on Tuesday May 9th.
Jens noted that all facilitator’s are set with ANR staff, Conservation Commission
members, SHLT staff, and GI NRCD staff.
Zoom account and registration need to be set for breakout and registration. Also
acquire Miro account ($16.00/month for 3 months) SHLT offered to acquire the Miro
account! Miro training is set for May 3d. Jens will prepare a basemap for the in-person
CC will provide meeting space, refreshments, Sharpie normal tip markers (SHLT will
acquire sets of 6-8 colors for categories). Jens reviewed the draft schedule and roles for
the in-person and online event.
There was a discussion of PR and opportunities to assure awareness and attendance for
the event; FPF, strategic public venues, postcard mailer, posters, e-mail listserve, etc.
Bridget, Emily and Cynthia volunteered to lead the PR “task force.” And advertise a
family-friendly event to include the younger voices of the community.
Facilitators should review the guide (Woodbury) shared by Jens for reminders on their
role as facilitators. Waterbury event is April 11, 6:30-8:30p.
Review Conservation Commission Recruitment Advertisement – Bridget previously drafted an
advertisement for recruitment of additional members for review. Members discussed how to
engage residents for roles as members and possible committee members (non-commissioners)

and approved the draft as discussed, but will be tabled until after the Community Values
Mapping event, and prioritize PR for attendance, then recruitment.
Division of Labor – Bridget discussed how members can support the logistics of the meetings
and the commission. Tasks are physically posting the agenda at Worthen, Post Office, and Town
Hall, online @ town website (and FPF?); getting key for meeting site at library or town hall,
assuring that Zoom and Owl are available for the meeting, and returned the next day. There
was a discussion about what is required v. what is best for engagement in terms of posting
agendas, and will be a continuing discussion as members learn what is best for public outreach
and efficiency.
Bob agreed to pickup and dropoff Owl for the April meeting. Bridget will do the agenda
posting and library key pickup/dropoff.
Approval of Minutes from February 21 meeting – Bob moved; Sue 2d. Unanimous. (Dave left
meeting at 7:45p)
Preparation for Next Meeting – Next meeting is April 18 th . The main focus of the meeting will be
on planning and logistics for upcoming Community Values Mapping Event, and plan for layout
of the library rooms for the event.
There will be discussion about Land Acknowledgement as agenda item for awareness
and introduction.
Adjourn – Meeting was adjourned Bob moved, Cynthia 2d